September 12, 2009

8 Sources Husband and Wife Conflict

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Husband and wife fight, it was a matter of course. In fact, the word parent, marital arguments is the seasonings. However, it would be better if the household is always harmonious. Fight constantly, for long could be fatal, too right? Well, whatever the causes of husband-wife quarrel ?

1. Earnings
The husband's income is greater than the wife are common. If the opposite happens, problems can arise. The husband feels insecure because his income disrespected, while the wife was on top, so be proud and do not respect her husband.

Although your income is greater than the husband, try to be wise and respected him. Appreciate any income, even in nominal terms was less. If you continually question the husband's income, the problem can be enlarged.

2. Child
Child's absence is also often lead to prolonged conflict. Especially if the husband is always blamed as the party isri barren. In fact, the medical evidence needed to determine whether a person was sterile or not.

Rather than let the issue go on continuously, better talk to your husband. Ask him to check with a doctor conditions. If the doctor says that you and your husband well, why should fret and accuse each other? Kan, just waiting for the time alone. Could be, your patience and your partner being tested by the Almighty. However, if it had been years since the presence of your child is not coming, too, you both can take another way, with the adoption of children, for example.

3. The presence of other parties
The presence of a third person, such as brother-in-law or relatives, the family is sometimes also a source of conflict in the household. Trivia fuss should not be turned into a big problem. For example about giving an allowance to the husband's brother-in-law who is not transparent.

Openness is a major problem. Before providing assistance, either to your party or husband, you should first discuss how the funds will be issued and anyone else who could be assisted. And this must be on the basis of mutual agreement. To avoid mutual suspicions, have cross system. This means, for assistance to your family, who gave suamilah, and vice versa. Thus, it will be transparent and there is no way back.

4. Sex
One problem is often a source of noise husband and wife. Usually the complaints are often the husband is not satisfied with the service's wife. Such husbands are indeed selfish and do not want to know. In fact, many things that cause the wife to act like that. Can be due to fatigue, stress, or pregnancy.

Wife or husband who has problems with sexual relations with a partner, should come clean. This is so the couple did not suspect and accused of all kinds. Just express your situation and why your sex drive decrease. Husband or wife who both must understand these conditions and will not be much demand.

5. Faith
Typically, couples who have vowed to unite as lively as dead no question different faiths problem antarmereka. However, the problem will usually occur when they begin married life. They realized that the difference is hard to put together. Justify each belief and try to attract partners to follow. Although not always, this often happens in a couple of different beliefs, so the noise would not be inevitable.

Above conditions will be a prolonged conflict if each party does not have the tolerance. Usually, couples of different beliefs, before getting married agreed to respect each partner's beliefs. Well, keep hold promise, and try to appreciate each other. Even in the middle of the road you or your partner have agreed to choose a confidence course, this should not because the element of compulsion.

6. Laws
The presence of domestic laws are often the source of conflict because it was too campurnya-in-law joined in child domestic affairs and law.

Upset's upset, but still must be controlled. If you are not pleased with a comment or reprimand from the in-laws, do not directly express it in front of the in-laws. Try to think calmly, take a husband exchange ideas to resolve your conflict with parents. Remember, all things, if completed with a calm mind, the result will be good.

7. Diversity
Uniting two hearts meant to unite the two personalities and tastes are of course also different. For example a taciturn husband, while his wife nagging and emotionally explosive. Well, this private two when combined is usually disconnected. Each nobody wants ngalah, finally noisy too.

These differences will continue to exist despite the age of marriage has tens of years. Name only two personalities together. So, the key to overcoming these differences is to accept each other and filling. If your husband was a quiet, yes Balance, not too fussy. Nothing wrong with a vacation to the beach fun. Trying something new is beautiful because it lho new experience for you.

8. Communications Limited
The husband and wife who are both busy usually do not have enough time to communicate. At most, they met while going to bed or on the weekends. Lack of or lack of time to share and communicate this often led to misunderstandings. Husband does not know the problems faced by wives, and vice versa.

No matter how busy you and your husband, set to commit to that being with family is the main thing. This means that there must be time for the family. For example breakfast and dinner together. The same with public holidays. Try to enjoy it with family. So, even though you and your husband work long hours outside the home, the family is not neglected. You and your husband should be smart divide time between work and family.

September 11, 2009

4 Tips No Saturated on House

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. For some women, staying at home is an option. While others memganggap it a form of compulsion. Whatever the motivation, to stay at home must leave stress, feelings of loneliness, and it is quite possible to make depression. But do not worry, feelings of negative feelings were quite normal, really. Well, here are some tips to deal with !

1. Proud of What's Done
Remember, staying at home is a choice. If you are not proud of myself that have made the decision to remain close to the beloved baby, you do not deserve it expect others to put your pride on the same. So, let's face it, even just sit at home, complete with fights, whining, or yelling Little is not a pleasant picnic. Children will only be passed once her childhood, and it is crucial the quality of later life. As for you, armed with all the competencies that are owned, kept working the door wide open and ready to wait.

2. Work In Organized
You may be thinking how good the mother who did not have to rush to the office every morning, and can arrange as he pleased. Such assumptions far from the fire, aka a big mistake. The children (and the mother of course) is growing into a routine. Inevitably they have to arrange the schedule so that everything was okay. You should know exactly what to do next, so there is still time to socialize with friends. Keep the house tidy also will help make you feel at home stay at home. Who the hell wants to "swim" in the middle of the pile of clothes that have not been ironed?

3. Priorities Relations with Husband
Even if you succeed as an exemplary mother, who dedicate all their energy and time for the kids, but if your marriage was a mess, they also will suffer. So, schedule a regular basis 1-2 times a month for a date with her husband. Once a year, at least 1 time a special vacation or a weekend getaway with couples without children. Schedule a specific time every night just to be alone with her husband. As far as possible get into the habit of children sleeping in their rooms since childhood.

4. Take time for yourself
No need to appear as a good mother for 24 hours continuously. Not a mistake, really, if you raise the legs to the table and relax for a moment. It is also important, stay in touch or visit friends. Occasionally out with "gang" friends during college would be fun. Will influence the real, you know, on your appearance. Believe me, you'll stay young and look cheerful

September 10, 2009

4 Steps how to get children to apologize

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. The following 4 simple steps how to get children to apologize :

1. Samples
Demonstrated how the apology should say. For example, parents accidentally spilled milk children, say, "Sorry, honey, you did not accidentally spill your breasts." So was another mistake made. It is expected the child accustomed to seeing the people closest to say sorry when making mistakes.

2. Show remorse with body language
Make eye contact when saying sorry, so the child can feel the remorse that accompanied the apology. Holding hands, hugging tightly, or kissing a child would also exemplary as a parent to apologize to the body language like that. But for the
record, made it clear to him that hug and kiss regret only be given to Dad / Mom / brother / sister, while for a friend / relative / other person enough to shake hands. Body language is also effective for the toddler who has not fluent verbal
communication that can not say the word sorry.

3. Encourage responsible to
In addition to say sorry, ask children to "responsible" for the mistakes he did. For instance, he nudged his friend to fall. Well after apologizing, if his friend was wounded, ask your child handed a tissue / plaster. This as part of learning about responsibility for the mistakes made.

4. Give appreciation
After the children say the word apology, given the appreciation in the form of a compliment, like, "Well, smart, you can apologize." It is at once a reinforcement that is doing is correct and necessary to repeat again on another occasion.

Besides the way, parents also must teach forgiveness when word was uttered, the moment that other people trouble, harming others, breaking promises, doing the things that have been banned, do things that are not like other people, and so on.

That way, the emphasis is the message to not repeat the mistakes, not simply apologize without understanding why.

What if a child is guilty does not accustomed to apologize?
* Children are not favored in her social as unusual apologize after making a mistake. This will result in social development. Especially if this indifference brought to maturity.
* The development of emotion is not optimal due to not admit mistakes, he could not judge him by right.

September 09, 2009

9 Fear and how to overcome Part 02

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Others Type of fears are :
4. Fear of doctors
May have experienced something unpleasant like a shot, the child was afraid of a certain figure. Not to mention if parents diligently "threatened". Every time a child is considered naughty. "I'll injected Mrs. Doctor, if not dining out! "or" Later Mr. Mom bilangin Security, yes!

How to Overcome:
Let the child bring his favorite toy objects or when coming to the doctor so that he feels safe and comfortable. At home, parents can help by providing a tool toy doctor. Let the children live with a doll doctor's role as a patient. Regularly take children to the dentist to maintain healthy teeth. Nothing wrong also invited him as a parent or brother / sister was treated teeth. That way kids get information how and where to go for maintaining healthy teeth. Gradually her fear of doctors figure it turned into admiration.

5. Afraid of ghosts
"Hiii, there is a ghost. Come on, do not play in it!" Because of frequent threats and feared such a toddler who really do not understand at all about ghosts, so to know and fear. Could also be because he was watching a horror movie on television.

How to Overcome:
Keep children away from the spectacle of the ghost. Parents also should not have to frighten children only in his interest. It could also by buying books or viewing children's story about a ghost or witch character kind.

6. Afraid of the dark
Usually because of parents. "I was afraid, ah. See, deh, dark, right?" Fear of the dark could also be because the child has been punished by confinement in a dark room. If experience is so lasting, not
fear may not be settled until adulthood. Such a cold sweat, or even a shortness of breath every time I was in a dark room or screaming when electricity suddenly went out.

How to Overcome:
When sleep tonight, do not leave her room in the dark. At the very least, let the dim night-light burning. Another way, let your favorite doll or remain with her body, as
act as guardian until the child need not fear.

7. Scared swim
Very rarely children ages toddler afraid of water. Except if he ever experienced such unpleasant choking or even almost drowned while swimming up to his nose a lot of water conceded.

How to Overcome:
Perform a gradual habituation. For instance, let the child just beginning to soak his feet or splashing, splashed in the pool toys, still wearing bathing suits. It could also put the child into a manageable pool club expert. Or by frequently invited to swim with the relatives / friends of his age. Of course, still accompanied by and built her confidence that the swim was fun, so do not be afraid. Even if the child still afraid, do not
Never force let alone reprimand or harassing her fears. Such as, "It sucks, ah! Swim, really, scared!"

8. Afraid Insects
There was a little boy who is afraid of crickets, cockroaches or other flying insects. It really is normal, so parents should not add to frighten him, "Watch out, there'll be cockroaches, lo." Should instead be understood as a child this age may find many things that can make him afraid.

How to Overcome:
Parents should be given an introduction about the nature of animals in children. No need to overly detailed as a professor give a lecture. The task of parents to understand the extent of fear and help children feel safe. It's okay to say, "I know you are afraid of crickets." So much and not enough children being forcibly kept in a conversation about her fears. Do not force children to talk tough to face his fears. "Not yet tried out the child to see or even touch the dreaded insect. It will only make children more afraid." When imposed on, the child could even phobias in insects. Let your child is interested in itself and this usually occurs after a 2-year-old child. If the child is afraid when there are insects flying nearby, help to throw together

9. Fear Dog
Toddler reasonable given the appearance of a dog afraid of these animals was impressed with the fierce barking and looking fierce. Not to mention the habits like jumping, licking, or even pursue. The task of parents to understand and help children overcome fears.

How to Overcome:
No need to force your child keep a dog or push a child to face his fear by continuing to give 'lectures', such as "why are afraid of dogs. The dog is good." Nullify the fear the child will only make children more afraid and not impossible to end up developing a phobia is difficult to overcome.

When children are afraid and when he met a dog walk, hold hands to convince him he could safely pass the feared animal with his parents. Do not forget to keep the distance
safe from the temperament of animals is relatively unpredictable. Could also demonstrate familiarity with the dog as a pet by his employer through the story / fable. Or introduce the neighbor's dog and could not hurt to ask the owner to show how to establish intimacy with the dog without feeling afraid.

September 08, 2009

9 Fear and how to overcome Part 01

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Naturally, if the baby under the age of 5 years have a sense of fear. The form is also all kinds. What is clear, if he had helped to overcome fears, phobias can experience.

Fear is a natural condition that helps individuals protect themselves from hazards while providing a new experience. In some babies, her fears were still limited to specific matters such as fear of dogs, dark, or meeting strangers.

What often happens, it appeared frightened child because of his parents. For fear of something or a particular condition, without conscious parents would prohibit a child with a way to intimidate him."Watch out there are cats, then you scratched!"
As a result, children feel threatened aka insecure whenever he saw a cat. In fact, most cats will only be angry and scratch when harassed.

Form expression of fear itself can stuff. Usually through crying, screaming, hiding, or do not want to escape from their parents. Fortunately, this fear will disappear over time. When children feel secure with themselves and their environment, the fear was gone. Of course parents need support.

The problem is when the sediment and the fear that unresolved effect on the daily activities of children. Could even lead to a pathological fear. Phobias can actually aliases excessive fear of having experienced a particular event. For example, because of fear of rats, each time she saw the animal, he would scream with fear. But such cases are generally rare.

The following 9 types of fear that often experienced by infants under the age of 5 years and tips it:

1. Scared Separated (Separation Anxiety)
Children anxious to part with those closest. Especially his mother, who for the first 3 years to figure most closely. Mother figure, not always necessarily mean a biological mother, but caregivers, grandparents, father, or
anyone who is close to the child.

Stickiness child with a mother who initially seemed very thick, usually will be reduced in subsequent years. Bahkan di usia 2 tahunan, kala sudah bereksplorasi, anak akan melepaskan diri dari keterikatan dengan ibunya. That would be a problem if the mother was too protect / overprotective or hobby arrange everything, so can not entrust her child to someone else.

Such treatment will only make the mother-child attachment persisted and eventually lead to a pathological attachment to the big kids. As a result, children do not want the school, crying easily, and difficult to be persuaded
ibunya.Bahkan left when the mother went to the kitchen or the bedroom mandipun, followed by the boy continued. Trouble, right? Not to mention he was so hard to eat and have trouble sleeping if not with his mother.

How to Overcome:
Explain to your child, why she had to go / to work. So is the explanation of the time even though this age children do not fully understand the aliases do not know exactly when morning, noon, afternoon, and evening as well as an understanding of how long each such period. It would be easier if parents use language that is easily understood. Such as, "Later, when you eat the evening, Mom was home."
If you can not go home as the promised time, tell the child over the phone. Therefore, the child will continue to wait and this can actually increase the fear of children. He will continue to anxiously wonder why the mother
yet to come.

2. Afraid of going to school
It's not easy to remove the child about the time in playgroup. Therefore, he must adapt to his new environment. Yet, not all children can easily adapt. Of the parents, not a few others just not willing to take off her "school" for fear that her child fell or was pushed when playing a friend.

How to Overcome:
Parents still need to take the child to "school" because it's about conditioning. Even if in the next days there are schools being assertive only allow parents waited outside,
convey this information to the child. Teachers also must be able to attract the attention of children so as not to focus on the lack of assistance with their parents play. At the time playing with his friends He would not forget.

3. Fear of strangers
At early ages, children are going to be picked up / close to anyone. Namun di usia 8-9 bulan biasanya mulai muncul ketakutan atau sikap menjaga jarak pada orang yang belum begitu dikenalnya. This is normal because
children already understand / recognize people. He began to realize, where his parents and where other people are rarely seen.

How to Overcome
At the age of toddlers should have the fear of strangers already faded away because, after all, he had to explore. Should the child is getting enough knowledge to realize that not all strangers / are not so familiar is a threat to him.

Usually, it is because parents often frightening, so the kids behave like that. "Beware, do not deket-deket same people who do not you know. You're going kidnapped!" It's okay to parents
berhati-hati/bersikap advise children to beware of strangers, but naturally only and not by way of to frighten him.

Others types of fear will be disscuss in 9 Fear and how to overcome Part 02

September 07, 2009

Coaching Children Learning Walk

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Walking is one of the pillars of growth in children is important. But no less important is the role of parents to train the child to walk. Here are some things you can do to train the Small start practicing walking. At age 9 - 11 months when the child is able to stand on their own, carefully consider whether the establishment is up and how long he could survive. If not, you need to train it, until the child can stand up straight for a long time. To stimulate, you can put a favorite toy on her head so she challenged to try grasping the toy.

If it can stand alone without holding, see if still not balanced, and how long he could survive. If it can stand upright, it means the child is ready for a stimulating walk. Consider whether the position of a child curled toes or not. If bent, it was a sign he still needs stimulation so brave and used his weight by leaning on his feet.

Whereas if not, you are obliged to take him to ditatih. Way, let both hands holding our hands and then he stepped invite. If deemed difficult, put his feet on the back of our legs. While our hands are still holding both hands, let it go. To create a fun atmosphere to practice so you can hummed tunes as set foot.

When he began to walk creeping, usually a child knows how to move her legs forward and sideways. Well, this is the best time to take her to ditatih. Give the impression that walking is fun.

Once the child has regular steps, dared to give only the index finger right hand and left us to held the child while he ditatih. Let your child foot. The old man lived alone and must follow the brakes or change direction if the children go to places that are considered a risk.

If the above manner are well visible, parents should position themselves next to the child. If on the right side, meaning we left index finger which held a child. And vice versa.

Later, when he looked no longer experiencing difficulties, want stimulating time to walk alone without climbing or we hold. Way, place the child in that position if not possible he could hold on. Then give him the stimulus that can provoke him to move by stepping toward the direction of the stimulus. The shape of this lure all kinds, toys can also be her favorite food. Of course, this exercise can not be done once or twice, but must constantly every day.

Do not hesitate to remove children themselves often. Too often carried the muscles and nerves of his body was not trained.

To further speed up the learning process, you can take your baby play with other children as brothers, neighbors, or cousins who have spoken more clearly or nurturing and care.