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9 Fear and how to overcome Part 02

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Others Type of fears are :
4. Fear of doctors
May have experienced something unpleasant like a shot, the child was afraid of a certain figure. Not to mention if parents diligently "threatened". Every time a child is considered naughty. "I'll injected Mrs. Doctor, if not dining out! "or" Later Mr. Mom bilangin Security, yes!

How to Overcome:
Let the child bring his favorite toy objects or when coming to the doctor so that he feels safe and comfortable. At home, parents can help by providing a tool toy doctor. Let the children live with a doll doctor's role as a patient. Regularly take children to the dentist to maintain healthy teeth. Nothing wrong also invited him as a parent or brother / sister was treated teeth. That way kids get information how and where to go for maintaining healthy teeth. Gradually her fear of doctors figure it turned into admiration.

5. Afraid of ghosts
"Hiii, there is a ghost. Come on, do not play in it!" Because of frequent threats and feared such a toddler who really do not understand at all about ghosts, so to know and fear. Could also be because he was watching a horror movie on television.

How to Overcome:
Keep children away from the spectacle of the ghost. Parents also should not have to frighten children only in his interest. It could also by buying books or viewing children's story about a ghost or witch character kind.

6. Afraid of the dark
Usually because of parents. "I was afraid, ah. See, deh, dark, right?" Fear of the dark could also be because the child has been punished by confinement in a dark room. If experience is so lasting, not
fear may not be settled until adulthood. Such a cold sweat, or even a shortness of breath every time I was in a dark room or screaming when electricity suddenly went out.

How to Overcome:
When sleep tonight, do not leave her room in the dark. At the very least, let the dim night-light burning. Another way, let your favorite doll or remain with her body, as
act as guardian until the child need not fear.

7. Scared swim
Very rarely children ages toddler afraid of water. Except if he ever experienced such unpleasant choking or even almost drowned while swimming up to his nose a lot of water conceded.

How to Overcome:
Perform a gradual habituation. For instance, let the child just beginning to soak his feet or splashing, splashed in the pool toys, still wearing bathing suits. It could also put the child into a manageable pool club expert. Or by frequently invited to swim with the relatives / friends of his age. Of course, still accompanied by and built her confidence that the swim was fun, so do not be afraid. Even if the child still afraid, do not
Never force let alone reprimand or harassing her fears. Such as, "It sucks, ah! Swim, really, scared!"

8. Afraid Insects
There was a little boy who is afraid of crickets, cockroaches or other flying insects. It really is normal, so parents should not add to frighten him, "Watch out, there'll be cockroaches, lo." Should instead be understood as a child this age may find many things that can make him afraid.

How to Overcome:
Parents should be given an introduction about the nature of animals in children. No need to overly detailed as a professor give a lecture. The task of parents to understand the extent of fear and help children feel safe. It's okay to say, "I know you are afraid of crickets." So much and not enough children being forcibly kept in a conversation about her fears. Do not force children to talk tough to face his fears. "Not yet tried out the child to see or even touch the dreaded insect. It will only make children more afraid." When imposed on, the child could even phobias in insects. Let your child is interested in itself and this usually occurs after a 2-year-old child. If the child is afraid when there are insects flying nearby, help to throw together

9. Fear Dog
Toddler reasonable given the appearance of a dog afraid of these animals was impressed with the fierce barking and looking fierce. Not to mention the habits like jumping, licking, or even pursue. The task of parents to understand and help children overcome fears.

How to Overcome:
No need to force your child keep a dog or push a child to face his fear by continuing to give 'lectures', such as "why are afraid of dogs. The dog is good." Nullify the fear the child will only make children more afraid and not impossible to end up developing a phobia is difficult to overcome.

When children are afraid and when he met a dog walk, hold hands to convince him he could safely pass the feared animal with his parents. Do not forget to keep the distance
safe from the temperament of animals is relatively unpredictable. Could also demonstrate familiarity with the dog as a pet by his employer through the story / fable. Or introduce the neighbor's dog and could not hurt to ask the owner to show how to establish intimacy with the dog without feeling afraid.
Siti Arofah
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