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9 Fear and how to overcome Part 01

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Naturally, if the baby under the age of 5 years have a sense of fear. The form is also all kinds. What is clear, if he had helped to overcome fears, phobias can experience.

Fear is a natural condition that helps individuals protect themselves from hazards while providing a new experience. In some babies, her fears were still limited to specific matters such as fear of dogs, dark, or meeting strangers.

What often happens, it appeared frightened child because of his parents. For fear of something or a particular condition, without conscious parents would prohibit a child with a way to intimidate him."Watch out there are cats, then you scratched!"
As a result, children feel threatened aka insecure whenever he saw a cat. In fact, most cats will only be angry and scratch when harassed.

Form expression of fear itself can stuff. Usually through crying, screaming, hiding, or do not want to escape from their parents. Fortunately, this fear will disappear over time. When children feel secure with themselves and their environment, the fear was gone. Of course parents need support.

The problem is when the sediment and the fear that unresolved effect on the daily activities of children. Could even lead to a pathological fear. Phobias can actually aliases excessive fear of having experienced a particular event. For example, because of fear of rats, each time she saw the animal, he would scream with fear. But such cases are generally rare.

The following 9 types of fear that often experienced by infants under the age of 5 years and tips it:

1. Scared Separated (Separation Anxiety)
Children anxious to part with those closest. Especially his mother, who for the first 3 years to figure most closely. Mother figure, not always necessarily mean a biological mother, but caregivers, grandparents, father, or
anyone who is close to the child.

Stickiness child with a mother who initially seemed very thick, usually will be reduced in subsequent years. Bahkan di usia 2 tahunan, kala sudah bereksplorasi, anak akan melepaskan diri dari keterikatan dengan ibunya. That would be a problem if the mother was too protect / overprotective or hobby arrange everything, so can not entrust her child to someone else.

Such treatment will only make the mother-child attachment persisted and eventually lead to a pathological attachment to the big kids. As a result, children do not want the school, crying easily, and difficult to be persuaded
ibunya.Bahkan left when the mother went to the kitchen or the bedroom mandipun, followed by the boy continued. Trouble, right? Not to mention he was so hard to eat and have trouble sleeping if not with his mother.

How to Overcome:
Explain to your child, why she had to go / to work. So is the explanation of the time even though this age children do not fully understand the aliases do not know exactly when morning, noon, afternoon, and evening as well as an understanding of how long each such period. It would be easier if parents use language that is easily understood. Such as, "Later, when you eat the evening, Mom was home."
If you can not go home as the promised time, tell the child over the phone. Therefore, the child will continue to wait and this can actually increase the fear of children. He will continue to anxiously wonder why the mother
yet to come.

2. Afraid of going to school
It's not easy to remove the child about the time in playgroup. Therefore, he must adapt to his new environment. Yet, not all children can easily adapt. Of the parents, not a few others just not willing to take off her "school" for fear that her child fell or was pushed when playing a friend.

How to Overcome:
Parents still need to take the child to "school" because it's about conditioning. Even if in the next days there are schools being assertive only allow parents waited outside,
convey this information to the child. Teachers also must be able to attract the attention of children so as not to focus on the lack of assistance with their parents play. At the time playing with his friends He would not forget.

3. Fear of strangers
At early ages, children are going to be picked up / close to anyone. Namun di usia 8-9 bulan biasanya mulai muncul ketakutan atau sikap menjaga jarak pada orang yang belum begitu dikenalnya. This is normal because
children already understand / recognize people. He began to realize, where his parents and where other people are rarely seen.

How to Overcome
At the age of toddlers should have the fear of strangers already faded away because, after all, he had to explore. Should the child is getting enough knowledge to realize that not all strangers / are not so familiar is a threat to him.

Usually, it is because parents often frightening, so the kids behave like that. "Beware, do not deket-deket same people who do not you know. You're going kidnapped!" It's okay to parents
berhati-hati/bersikap advise children to beware of strangers, but naturally only and not by way of to frighten him.

Others types of fear will be disscuss in 9 Fear and how to overcome Part 02
Siti Arofah
Siti Arofah Aku mulai tertarik membuat cerpen ketika kelas 6 SD. Waktu itu, ceritaku seputar kisah kehidupan.

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