Showing posts with label relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationship. Show all posts

February 07, 2024

Trust Me, You Don't Want to Miss This: How to Keep the Trust in Your Relationship

Trust Me, You Don't Want to Miss This: How to Keep the Trust in Your Relationship
How to Keep the Trust in Your Relationship
Tips and Tricks on Domesticity So, you're in a relationship. Maybe you're head over heels in love, or perhaps you've been together for years and are now married with a growing family. No matter where you are in your journey, one thing is for certain – trust is the foundation that holds every relationship together. Trust is like the glue that keeps all the pieces intact, and without it, everything can fall apart.

Maintaining trust in a relationship is crucial, but it's not always easy. Life throws curveballs, emotions fluctuate, and doubts can creep in. However, if you're committed to nurturing your bond, rest assured that there are ways to keep trust alive and thriving. In this article, we'll explore some of those strategies and help you breathe new life into your relationship.

February 06, 2024

Lost and Found : How to Rebuild Trust in Your Relationship

Lost and Found : How to Rebuild Trust in Your Relationship

Tips and Tricks on Domesticity , Love is a beautiful thing, but it's not always smooth sailing. In every relationship, there will come a time when trust gets lost along the way. It could be due to a broken promise, a lie, or even an affair. Whatever the cause, rebuilding trust is essential for the survival and growth of your relationship. So, if you find yourself in a situation where trust has been shattered, fear not! In this article, we will guide you on how to rebuild trust in your relationship, piece by piece.

January 24, 2024

Explore Emotional Connections Outside of Committed Relationship

Explore emotional connections outside of committed relationship

Hey there ! Let's dive into the realm of relationships and love, shall we? We often tend to think of emotional connections solely within the confines of committed relationships, but the truth is, there are various other avenues for exploring these connections. In this article, we'll take a casual stroll through the world of emotional connections outside of committed relationships.

First things first, let's establish that relationships come in all shapes and sizes. They can be romantic, platonic, familial, or even professional. Love, too, can manifest itself in different forms. It's not solely restricted to romantic love, but can encompass love for friends, family, pets, hobbies, passions, and beyond.

October 20, 2009

Years of Turbulent Marriage

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Marriage coveted lifetime of each pair is not easy to come by. And will need to struggle with the husband and wife to continue to keep it from year to year. Following years of marriage prone to watch.


This is the years that indicates whether the couple "newlyweds" could survive in the following years. Many who succeeded beyond it, not a few who decided to get divorced, too. Because, in reality this is actually started. Each side saw the real, who partner.

Be prepared to accept what is called depression newlyweds. After the party, the couple took his own home and learn to live independently as a husband and wife. This is where the division of roles and cooperation starts. There are smooth, some are not. Many things are a priority that must be resolved together. About
money, for example, who should regulate. Also how to spend leisure time together, handling in-laws, the laws and other extended family. Infants born later will make the whole rhythm of the father and mother changed. Clearly, it caused anxiety challenge.

In order to survive and go smoothly, in the first years of this couple should have already started discussing about how to solve problems in case of conflicts, also discussed the expectations of each party.

Couples who can get through this period are those who always have a positive view of her partner, do not give up easily, and will together find a way out in every issue. Although the first years are difficult, they will still remember him as the first years of full intimacy, affection, and mutual learning. It is also important, can be valuable lessons and experience to take the following years.


Ever hear the term "the seven years Itch"? This is the seventh year that makes "itch". After many years together, the couple had started to find patterns and rhythms of the more obvious marriage. However, the desire each of which is readable and physical closeness and emotional is not guaranteed that the intimacy and intimacy continued.

After seven years in pairs, many married couples begin to get stuck in a routine housekeep. Husband and wife also got busy with their own affairs. Mother taking care of children who started school and growing up, my father, too busy struggling with the increasingly promising career. Not to mention the demands of the growing needs of large families, making increasingly busy father with additional work that can make money.

All that have consequences in the marriage relationship. Because each of busy, time to be alone diminished. As a result, the intimacy was threatened. Even more worrying, since each busy with his own affairs and all things running routine, the more intimate relationship sebagaihal routine visits only for biological needs it. No longer an expression intimacy and affection. If not careful, each party may feel hot and itchy, like people who are trapped. Just a little temptation or see new things more exciting outside the home, threatened to make a commitment.

That is why many an affair or infidelity that occurs after 5 or 7 years of marriage. The couple tried to get out of the things that make it saturated. Among other things, a relationship with someone entirely new.

To keep the passion and intimacy remains lit, do a second honeymoon, revision and re-marriage relationship intimacy what patterns can be applied, according to the age of marriage. Do not expect too much of that in a short time everything will change like a new bride. What is important is the desire to remain committed and renew intimacy.


In the fifteenth year, emotionally and physically, the closeness of husband and wife getting stronger. Many problems can be settled, such as the house was bought and established the family finances. But the next challenge came in this year. Just like previous years, problems that arise are more saturation. Plus family togetherness is also diminishing. For example, children who entered pre teens, start hanging out more outside the home, and busy with school affairs. Father was at the peak of his career, as well as working mothers.

No wonder if in the early years is easy to make an appointment to have dinner with the couple in a romantic restaurant, now even hard. It's hard to ask him to spend time romancing because preoccupations.
Physical changes of each party, for example, widened body shape or wrinkle on the face of increasingly visible, also gave birth to their own anxiety. Each was no longer attractive and sexy in the eyes of their partner. And inadequate sense arises. Couples no longer fears aroused, can lead to an intimate relationship. Most feel insecure is realized by refusing when asked to cuddling. In fact, because each party had so long slept in one bed, must have known their partner's body. So, the problem really should not be obstacles in having sex. In fact, because the emotional attachment grew stronger, able to make intimate relationships become more solid.
Indeed, hell, do not imagine an intimate relationship with the same frequency with a new bride. But that must be remembered, no longer the number, but the quality. Although in one month can be counted on the fingers, do different variations to give an update. Begin giving surprises sweet, such as sending SMS to his wife, "What if we meet this evening in the hotel x and spent the night without the kids?"

Later years

Simone Signoret, famous writer from France, in one of his novels to write, "The chain does not bind the marriage, but the chain's eyes. Hundreds of crocheted chain every day together, which binds continued for years. That's what makes a marriage survive, not the passion and even the sex! "
Thus, although 5, 10, even 25 years of marriage had passed safely, never complacent. There, lo, a new month anniversary of marriage to 25, then divorced. What article? Proximity sometimes make us complacent. We feel already know what the needs of couples. In fact, every human being is always needed refreshment and the surprises in his life. Included in her marriage.

Although the marriage seems perfect, there's no harm to sit down together every year, such as wedding anniversary, to look back, what was actually escaped the attention of both the concerns about the husband-wife relationship. Are we sensitive to the needs of the couple? Model tenderness and intimacy. what we want, along with the marriage age ? What
a lump or a constraint on all the things that can interfere with the relationship? Well, all that should be reviewed again, no matter how old your marriage. No one can guarantee forever will run smoothly, if each party complacent and indifferent to the situation that seems perfect marriage, but to save time bomb. Now know what to do?

October 16, 2009

8 Habits that Could Ruin Relationships

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Not infrequently a broken relationship just because a small custom made by one of the couple. Relationship is very tight and could not be separated can fall apart because of problems that are considered "insignificant". Glamor magazine properties register anything that can trigger your rift and the he. This list;

1. Can not accept
Your lover wants to get the best out of him is a good thing. However, do not you want to make changes in the husband up to his appearance. Try to accept what he's there. If this is what is to him so badly and it was time to change, then try to say it nicely. Do not criticize or force you to change drastically. Because the messages he would receive was, "You're not good enough for me."

Try to enforce rules 80-20. That is, when you're with him, express what you admire about him, do this as much as 80 percent. Until when you say things you do not like about it, then it will not sound as one of the worst points in the list of your eyes.

2. Volatile mood
We live in an age that makes people nervous. No wonder when the stress hit, we can be angry-angry at the couple. In everyday life, the sudden mood changes can be forgiven. However, imagine if we lived with the couple who often experience mood swings (a drastic mood changes). You must be running away. Well, if you feel you are experiencing periods of mood swings (usually towards menstruation), try to divert your mind from the things that can make you want to be angry.

3. Gossip
Nobody wants to be gossip. So, when you're there is the problem with him, try to try to solve it in an adult. Try reducing the desire to tell every detail of your problem with your spouse or friends to the nearest parent. Not only will you be embarrassed when the fight was over, but you also will make the he felt betrayed. As a partner, you'll want to keep a secret between you and him alone rather than damage your reputation and your partner in the eyes of others.

4. Melodrama
If you consistently call every time a friend of the office that makes you pissed off, remove them from your friends list on Facebook, or threatening to break every time there is a difference of opinion, do not be surprised if he was looking for another woman. It is exhausting if we should always try to calm the couple who likes to dramatize the situation at any time.

5. So the second mother
Your husband must love his mother, and she must love you. However, when you treat every day like a child, then you will make him want to run away from you. Children tend to do the opposite of what he was told his parents, when the command did not want him to do. This also applies to life coupled with the type of relationship as mother-child (who is too cuddle).

6. Too often with
Spend time with your loved ones is one of the advantages of dealing, but there is a difference with a relationship of conjoined twins. Many men interested in women independent and confident. However, often the woman who originally had the character changed 180 degrees as a partner. Women can be very dependent, and requires a very much from each other. Occasionally take the time to your own or with your friends. Let him enjoy his time alone. Do you know what the benefits of enjoying "me time" like this? You so often miss the him, but so have to talk.

7. Jealousy
Although he often reminds you how much he loves you, but it did not stop to check your cell phone when he was in the shower. Or, constantly pouting every time she looked beautiful. Little jealousy is sometimes necessary in a relationship. But accusing him of having an affair or bombarded with questions every time he went alone too, will create world's most patient person screaming. Check once again, lest you envy against the him are unfounded.

8. Too comfortable
At the beginning of a relationship, both parties must make sure to find a way to be the best. However, over time and routine, we tend to be lazy and do not want to try to keep warm relationship. Humans love to be wooed and seduced, just like you, too. The fun of a relationship is finding new things from the couple and trying new things with him. When a woman stops to try to show the best of himself to the couple, the man will feel that their partner no longer love it. Show your partner that he is still very valuable in your eyes. How to provide nice surprises for him. He will appreciate your efforts and tried to repay

October 13, 2009

Give rewards if he would change his habits

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Can someone changed the nature of evil? It was not. The marriage counselor will usually say, it is we who must change for couples.

You can change your spouse, if you feel disturbing is his bad habits. For example, smoking, reluctant to wash the feet when back from work, or leave the TV on when not watching. Such habits are often very difficult because we face our own orderly habit. When it comes to hygiene, bad habits or nasty, too often make one of the pair became ilfil. In fact, when the he was a husband, of course we have to see him every day. How can marriage be fun if one was disturbed ?

Well, if you intend to convey to the couple, first find out how to submit objections without offend. Also, do not expect the she would change once you have requested. Changes would take time.

1. Ask good. Often we do not believe, why someone might do something bad, or dirty. But you know, that person may not know that what he was doing was disturbing other people? And, are you aware that his countenance upset or anger will only make you confused? Rather than a look of haughty or silenced, the better he's invited to sit together in one convenient place, while his heart was glad, and say that what he did cause problems (specify what the consequences). Men can not read your mind. Let's just say clearly what you desire.

2. Do the demonstrations that describes behavior. The mere discussion he took while watching a movie, making the audience around you repeatedly say, "Hush ...!"? So that the he knew what it was interrupted on when you are concentrating to what presented in the film, try to imitate what he had done. Perform a teasing way, so he also knew that you were reprimanded him gently, rather than approve what he did.

3. Tell them that you will stop one of your bad habits, if he could stop the bad habit. For example, the doctor had asked her husband to quit smoking, but he was still smoking. Offer: You will not eat offal if the husband is also willing to comply with the doctor ordered. Offer some kind of barter or compromise such a positive way to avoid confrontation and remove some unnecessary habits.

4. Ask what the couple would be perceived if the habit that other people do. He may not realize what it was like a party who see or feel the consequences. For example, you leave a gang with a friend, and all hungry. Once in the restaurant, the direct him to go inside and order food for himself. He also immediately regardless of your dinner is still waiting for other friends who have not come. This attitude did not put together. So, ask him what he felt he had when he left in a state of your stomach growls while enjoying your own food.

5. Give rewards if couples are willing to discard bad habits. When talking with partners about the habit, say that you'll give anything he wants (eg massage at home from the office) every time he tried to stop the annoying habit. Make sure that he was making these changes not because they had to, but because to understand what good influence.

6. Without threatening or offensive, let's him know that the habits that make you turn off. You need to get used to each other in dialogue (rather than discussing the purpose for right and wrong, you know) with a partner. Couples need to know how you feel due to his behavior. Instead, open yourself as well if the he also threw a variety of objections about your bad habits.

However, no one is perfect, right ?

October 06, 2009

Love Relationships The Potential Failure

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. There are 6 types of relationships that are likely to damage or failure. Check your love story, because maybe the story including one of "forbidden".

1. The relationship that started from the principle of one hand clapping.
There was a man or a woman who was crazy about the prospective partner to become excessive. Phone more than 3 times a day, providing various kinds of gifts and attention. Actually there is nothing wrong of it all, if it all goes both ways. The problem is that if it's only one direction only.

In the end, this relationship will develop into an unhealthy relationship, because one loves the other side with the higher levels and not balanced. Whereas in a healthy relationship, there must be equality, or equality. This relationship can also be a "utility function". That is, those who felt the 'love object' can take advantage and exploit the subject. This relationship can also be based on compassion whose effects are clearly not well in the future.

2. Relationship that began as a 'fantasy'.
In the process of life, sometimes there are moments where one is in the 'fantasy'. For example, amid busy work, a man vacationing unity certain areas and meet with a woman who was also vacationing in the area. Within this state, if the two men were attracted to each other, so they tend to be an affair.

This is called the relationship 'fantasy'. Both are outside of their routine and stuck together in a relaxed atmosphere that its only 'temporary'. Sooner or later when they returned to routine work or to the circumstances of 'real', they're like 'tercelik back'. And when that happens, the relationship 'fantasy' that can be quickly dispersed.

3. The relationship that began as a rebellion against the family or parents.
For example, a man who chose a woman with the criteria that are not favored by his mother, because there is a certain anger or resentment that saved the child against the mother.

The child himself may not really fit with the partner of choice, but he was forced to 'hold' for parents to feel annoyed. Relationships like this a lot happening in our society. In the end, the relationship certainly did not get this blessing can be ended with bitter disappointment and for various problems, the smallest.

4. The relationship that began in a state of emotion that still hurt from a broken heart.
There is the type of person that as soon as possible for our lovely new heart, after a broken heart. Whether he uses the new people simply to divert attention, to vent all the sadness and disappointment, or even to intend revenge. And everything that could go unnoticed by the person.

Actually, maybe he could genuinely loves her new lover. But most people with a broken heart still carry bitter experiences in the past. In essence, do not force yourself to build a serious relationship with a man who had a broken heart. If it's heart was already tied to him, should wait until some time until he's really ready physically and spiritually.

5. Relationship arising from a sense of awe over.
For example, a woman who was dating a man who is a role model or idol figures. This is also the beginning of an unhealthy relationship. Someone who admire excessively spouses usually have excessive expectations or the expectations of his partner. There is a picture of perfection for her partner.

Whereas in reality, there is no one perfect human being! The idol could have made a mistake that will disappoint their partner. And this can make the relationship slowly crack or even fall apart immediately.

6. The relationship that began as a result of an affair.
Later, many people are stuck with this one issue. Falling in love with someone who already has spouse is a challenge for some people. Yet this dangerous game is very harmful and completely wrong! Inside, there is usually wound and bitterness, lies, and betrayal.

And people who have decided to engage an affair usually would repeat his actions to his new partner. The tempter who seized the couple of others will also overcome by feelings of guilt and betrayal are at risk to be victims of partner, much like the law sow reap. Because of that, stop playing with fire, and find a partner who is still available!

By knowing these possibilities, let's start a relationship with a safe and correct based on pure love.

October 04, 2009

Knowing the secret lies Your Spouse

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. One powerful means to maintain a relationship of love is to establish a smooth communication, honest communication. The problem is, why people are afraid of telling the truth ?

People lie because people feel uncomfortable when telling the truth. If you lie, said Dr. Jackie Black in his book entitled Meeting Your Match: Cracking the Code to Successful Relationships, the man will be setegas not usually. If facing a direct question, the man will evade or answered "do not knows". To find out whether your spouse lying or not, you do not need to polygraph machines. You just enough attention to his movements.

Touching nose
One of the most visible sign when people lie is often touched his nose. Itching? Maybe. But maybe not if faced with a serious conversation context. Even touching your nose is not exactly a firm and sure that it is the language of lies, his nose touching gesture unconsciously it may be a direct indication that people are not ready to say what it is. At this point you can learn from the experience and habits of people who say is not true and honest. At the time, unconsciously and unintentionally, they would touch the nose.

People who do not usually lie directly answer your question. You said it, he'll answer it. Simple. But note the change in style of speech. If he lied, speech style will change. Once simple, now turned tricky. Complex. Sentence becomes very long, rambling, often did not touch the contents and did not answer the question. Can be complicated and forced diksinya impressed, "Boy", the intellectual and contain. Though often tangled logic. No connect. Between one thing and other things not related to each other. Such a leap is broken. Although this point could not dipersiskan as a sign that someone must have lied, carefulness still needed to hold the tail of logic errors (thinking and language).

A different behavior than usual
Another sign that you can hold the people who are not telling the truth is a different behavior. Other than usual. You must remember that the conduct or actions related to his mind. If he does not want you to know what actually happened, the movement must be supported. There are several movements or behaviors that you can consider, among other things, rubbing his neck or eyes, covering his mouth as he spoke, scratching his head or holding her ears, and move the neck but not in accordance with the sentence itself. Rubbed his eyes, for example. In psychology, the movement could be a representation of the refusal, transfer of emotion. So shut up too. Especially after talking, he quickly closed his mouth and a little surprised. That's a clear sign. Or also scratched his head-scratching. Try you look good behavior. If he's telling the truth and right, he did not need menggarukkan head. Scratched his head had a close relationship with self-protection mechanism. Such action to divert the attention and conversation of others. Likewise, the movement of the neck rubbed. The movement could be a transfer of emotion.

Pause and mistakes talking
This happens due to unpreparedness lies. People who are not prepared to lie to gelagapan, stuttering or stammering in anticipation of a statement or confirmation, even the wrong answer or talk. Too long a pause in the conversation can be an indicator. That means that people think long and how to say something. Although these elements can not be used as a benchmark, these elements still need to be considered in the dialogue or attempt to reveal the truth. For that, you still need to know the basis of people's behavior, learning speech patterns, body language and facial expressions. Observe any changes. Therefore, as much as possible to avoid communication via SMS, phone or email. Without face to face, you will be difficult to observe changes that occur. That means you also will be difficult to know whether he lied or not.

Someone who likes to say honestly do not really hate the likely whose name detail or details. People that prefer to talk in general terms. Why? Because of the things that will detail gave her a hard to say what he meant. Told in detail similar to dismantle his lies. And it is usually avoided. Even if he tries to play with things that detail, there is no connect. Therefore, if you want to know whether he lied or not, ask him to play with the little things and details. When he started hard and could not clearly runut, chances are he's lying to you. Especially if he gets angry when you Questioning things. Or he's away. It's a clear indicator.

If you talk to someone, pay attention to color his face. If the color of his face did not change as before, you can still believe in him. But when you flicked something and the color of her face suddenly changed, even though he mangatakan "no", he was hiding something. Or is he surprised, and then afraid that you know the meaning. If it so, you will easily lure to tell the truth. Look at his eyes and notice the color of his face. Remember, even a great liar would not be able to control the spontaneous movement of the muscles of the upper face. Upper facial muscles were very quick to react with emotion.

October 03, 2009

When the First Time of Arrival Date

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. If you are single and trying to find soul mate, there would be a one or two times where you are faced with the time to go out to eat or a long chat with 'target' you. And so the target does not run anywhere, where after spending time with you, you must know the rules to talk with him:

1. Avoid conversations that interrogate
Conversation is a basic thing which is very natural. If you sound interested opponent to open up, then he will tell you with all natural, without any need questioning from you. Type of interrogation conversations can also make your opponent afraid to talk and closed.

2. Do not be afraid to lead the conversation
This regulation applies only if the conversation between you two become very boring from time to time. For example, if you're talking about a very monotonous job. You can just take 'target' you to change the subject (just do not cut the conversation!).

3. Make eye contact
Make sure you look your opponent when you talk with talking politely. Besides showing self-confidence, it shows your interest to the conversation and of course your interest in the owner's eyes.

4. For others
Although both while others felt there was no, but you will make a big mistake if you're lost in it. This is precisely the time you show the 'target' you about your personality. For example, if you're in a restaurant, a friendly talk with the maid. If you take a taxi, a friendly talk with the driver. If you treat everyone with kindness and respect, 'you target' would have quietly watched and gave a plus.

5. Casual conversation
In casual conversation, you can do two things. One, to really enjoy a conversation with him and the second, you can assess its response to your casual conversation. Sometimes from a casual conversation, a person's personality can be assessed precisely. For example, talk about favorite food or hobby.

6. Do not worry in silence
They say that one of the signs you can feel comfortable with someone, that is if you could share the rest with him and did not feel that you've mostly talked. So if you're ending talks with the time still for a moment, do not panic! Enjoy. To begin again, let 'target' you started it.

7. Do not try to impress
Do not talk about the things that make you seem arrogant and trying to impress the opposite talk. If you're a man, talk like this will increasingly interfere in the eyes' target' you. Therefore, be humble. If 'target' you must know that you are smart, let him who assess and learn by themselves, not from your mouth promotion. Humility radiating through sentence-kalimatmu very high value.

8. Avoid the fatal question
In a conversation with a 'target', to avoid such a fatal question, "Am I your type?" or "Do you like the person I am?". Such questions lead to hasty and a bit forced. Better alon-alon but sure.

Ready to talk ?

October 01, 2009

Secure Hanging Out in the Internet World

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Virtual World is able to offer love, friendship, and friendship. However, at the same time socially online vehicle also has a damaging impact on reputation, job, and your social relationships in the real world.

Of course you would not let strangers into your house, rummaging through your personal space. The same thing should also apply in that nurtured relationships virtually. If you allow someone else to freely read the profile, accessing photos, and even a list of your friends, it just means you are inviting others into your personal area.

"If you've never met face to face directly, you should not put someone in a list of friends in cyberspace," said Parry Aftab, a lawyer who specialized in issues of security and privacy on the Internet. Communicate with friends in the virtual world also has shortcomings from the standpoint of psychology, namely the more people felt no need to meet directly because their needs are met through technology.

To have friends you make in the virtual universe running smoothly and safely, there are some things to consider:

Create a password is not unusual
Do not use a password that is too predictable, like a middle name or date of birth, to enter the site pages. In short, do not let your password known to others because it could be your home page changed casually by people.

No Install photos arbitrary
"We have a lot of big companies are investigating potential employees through social sites like Facebook or MySpace to find out whether the person is a good candidate," said Aftab. So be careful when installing images that can consume a lot of people.

Giving too much detailed information
Put a picture of where you are in front of the house style that shows the name of the street is a dangerous thing. This as well as invite other people. "Even with this brief information others can make a credit card account with your name," said Anastasia Goodsten, inventor of the web site marketing via Ypulse.

September 30, 2009

Tips and Accurate Face The Jealous

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Having a partner is of course a very pleasant thing. But if the he often acted jealous, would gradually it will make us hot. It is true, jealousy is a sign of love, but do not behave in the way of our steps to move forward due to the behavior of our partners started toward possessive !

1. Understand the situation
Ask what made him feel uncomfortable. For example you act like what makes him feel uncomfortable. Who knew it was the response that you do all this with the opposite sex seemed a bit excessive, it could be material for your own reflection.

2. Confidence Push it
Reassure him that you do love her, and that He is a great guy your eyes. It was his nature, he always wants to feel good and needed. Make sure also that you will remain faithful even defended him apart.

3. Build Communications
The key of a relationship is communication. Get used to always be honest and open. No Hide problems, and point out what you feel. If you feel disturbed by the attitude of jealousy that began to bother, say, frankly, because after all you are entitled to get a sense of comfort in your relationship.

4. Sensitive feelings
Do not provoke an atmosphere that can make him jealous, for example, talk about your past with the ex or keep your friends talking about the opposite sex.

Jealous sign of love? It is true because both think it comes naturally and at the same time, but if jealousy had begun to bring suffering and interfere with your steps to move forward, there is no other way except to end your relationship. Be realistic, the future is waiting for you, do not waste it and believe that you deserve the best for yourself !

September 21, 2009

Is He Serious or Not ?

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. The man is magic creatures. There is no single act or attitude that does not make you as a woman able to guess where her. Today he applies very nicely to you, but the next day, he can be cool. Nah surprised if your status as a lover, frequently asked questions he intended serious or just fun in a relationship with you. Here's proof of seriousness.

1. Introduce you to the Parents
For most men, bringing a woman into the house and introduced him to family members, not easy. If he only considers the relationship is not prospective lived, he would not take you to his house. Because it would be difficult for him to leave you if the family already knows and likes you. Fortunately, when you've reached the home. You show off to her family became her pride.

2. Involved in Family Events
You have been considered to be part of the family. He never missed invite you to family events, such as parents' marriage birthday, her sister's wedding, and so on. You even included in the events that involve large families, like the social gathering. Not only that, on your side too, his involvement was far enough. Although the face of sometimes rada bent, but he will accompany you on family outings.

3. Frequently Ask for Help
He had no longer hesitate to ask for your help. All this time he used to do everything themselves, from paying bills, buying monthly needs, to find a gift for his friend. But this time, he often asks for your help, whether choosing a gift, accompanied him to important events, even the "left" his mother when he was out of town.

4. Offering diligent Help
Without being asked, when I saw your distress, he with sigapnya offer assistance to you and your family. The word is often out of his mouth, "What else can I do to help?" As the man in charge of you, he does not have the heart to let your own headache with your problem. In fact, he often sacrificed the interests and the time just for you.

5. Opening his Heart
For men, talking about his feelings on other people is something that is very difficult. The decision to share your story with a big problem untunya. Openness is not limited to here him talk about jobs and hobbies, but deeper. For example, he expresses what he feels about her mother, father, and other important issues in life. He could even tell you about a secret life that may not all his friends know.

6. There you are in the Period Ahead
Later he often talked about his plans for the future. And in each plan, he will never forget you. For example, when deciding to buy a house, he thought about the needs of you who want a house with a spacious yard. Or, occasionally there are remarks that indicate he's intention to bring you the big plan.

7. Status Boyfriend, Attitude Husband
In the matter of finances, he acted as head of the family. He applied financial management is open to you. Though not in detail, he tells you how much salary and credit card bills. In fact, there are some men who believed their partner to manage finances as husband and wife.

8. Investment invitation Together
Because of his future plans with you, he several times offered to you to make investments together, such as buying land, houses, businesses, and even savings. You may regard it as something that risky. You know what's on his mind when he offered it? He wants to always be tied to you. And things like this risky, of course he did not carelessly on other women.

9. Bertandang Without Invitation
Previously you might not dare come to the house without an invitation or an invitation from him. But now, you are free to his home every time even though by then he was not home. After all home is "personal space", so when he frees you to come and go, it indicates he has treat you as a prospective home residents. Your closeness with family became an important factor he intended to continue the relationship more seriously or not.

10. Being in your Rear
When you can not survive, he's always behind you to support you. Surely you remember who your first contact when you are able to get clients? Or who is willing to pick you up early morning at the airport when you come home from abroad? He did not bring a bunch of roses and immediately hugged you. But he immediately brought a suitcase and asks why you look thinner.

11. Warm But Less Reliable
He has rarely say I Love You. In fact, often forgotten your anniversary day. Strangely, the day he was more often late for appointments, not romantic and upset. Togetherness you both have become routine. But, great he could be the reliable and responsible to you. If you've experienced this phase, do not assume your relationship problems. On the contrary, it indicates that your relationship is up to the next level. He no longer consider you as an outsider. So there is no longer closed.

September 16, 2009

How to Get Mr. Wonderful Easily

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Not easy for many women to get a good man. Conversely, frankly, is not easy for him to get a good woman. Here are the perspective to help the women on the threshold of frustration, which wanted to find a good man who until now have not managed to get. Here's the steps !

1. So Myself
When I first meet someone, you may be tempted to become someone other than yourself, such as trying to look my best. It is not wrong to want to give a good impression, but if excessive might make him retreat.

2. Got a Life Alone
Forced relationships, dramatic, and the possessive is often an expression of feeling in desperate need of a man in your life. Instead, follow your target, develop interests and hobbies, have an interesting life, do the things that bring you out of the circle routine. And do not be excessive. Gradually learn to build a network of friends, so that your date is not the only person in your life.

3. Relax & Relax
Most men do not like her aggressive, possessive, wild, spoiled and others. Learn more relaxed and have fun. So, watch your behavior. When it comes to dating the woman who makes life more difficult, would make him not interested. If you do everything with sincerity, he would appreciate it. Remember, most men, especially the good, looking for someone who can make him comfortable, not that always made him upset and want to be angry.

4. Recognizing Differences Communication
Men often can not catch a vague message that sent a woman through her body language. Do not blame him, because that guy. Body language vaguely like a smile that makes him not sure, if you really liked him. They can not assume, a smile means you're attracted to him.

5. Mental health and interests
Psychological studies show, anyone looking for a partner to fill a psychological void. Sometimes this gap is not healthy, for example, a woman just looking for a man just to tease and feel needed. See yourself and ask why it wants him, be honest with ourselves. Women with problems will only attract men who are also problematic, and good men and true who do not want to have a spouse who has a bigger problem from it. If you want a healthy relationship with a real man, make sure the mental state and your interest is also healthy.

6. Do not push
No one liked being played. Playing means to deceive and hurt people who believe in you. Do not play with feeling. A good guy will respect, even after you. If you are not serious, just to make a good man to leave you. If you loved the man, do not act as if nothing like it. Say it plainly. There was a man who likes challenges, but good men will appreciate yourself and your expectations, and will continue to go if forced to. Remember, men communicate directly.

7. Better treatment
This is the most important thing! Men do not like being with a woman who despised him, and good men will not take long to leave a woman like this. So, do not be afraid to help him raise his prices. Men just like women, often feel insecure. If he was with his friends or family, you show respect and be proud of him. Believe me, you'll win the love and respect.

8. Praise, But Do not Overload
Good men are not desperate in finding a woman. They were happy to see women who are also good. Good men will appreciate the compliment on the appeal he has. After all, do not do it in a way excessive. If he was not attracted to you, do not be desperate because the more you're desperate, he will get no interest. Instead, be yourself.

9. Respect yourself
If you say no, he should stop. Jika ia tak berhenti, sebaiknya tinggalkan. Do not hesitate to say 'no'. Do not be against your morals to try to defend it. If you feel the need to leave, meaning he was not a good man or appropriate for you specifically. You also should not hesitate to say 'yes'. If you feel the time is right, believe in luck, be sure your dream man will appear.

10. Follow the Golden Rule
This means that your rules apply to others, including him, to himself. A real man must have noticed this, but they did not say it. Treat her with respect and appreciation. Who knows, if he knows you want a good man, true, and not have children, there may be among those who meet the criteria and introduce myself to you.

11. Do not be possessive
This means, do not show the date that you always wanted to be near him. Men need space and do not want you to follow them wherever they go, because you also have their own lives.

August 23, 2009

Finding Your Love

Tips and Trick for Domesticity . Have you been having relationship challenges? Everyone is always asking themselves and their friends for help in this department. It is true that relating can be a challenge if you let it be.

Did you know that you are in charge of your life and create everything that comes to you? We actually attract our "mirror" to learn about ourselves.

This is a powerful time to manifest everything your heart desires, even a relationship. The relationship dynamic is challenging equally for men and woman. The key to lasting love and finding your mate is to have a positive attitude about it. Women usually say that men are jerks, unreliable, noncommittal, etc. and men actually voice the same opinions. The problem is that all this talk is negative. What you think is what you get. If you think all men/woman are jerks than that is exactly what you will attract to yourself. This just proves your theory. Now that you know that you are responsible for what you create for yourself all you have to do is change the talk and make it positive.

The second step is to think about what is important to you in a relationship. Write a list of everything you want in a man/woman, just leave out insignificant details. For example, leave out height, weight, color, teeth, and a specific type of career. Those details are irrelevant. You could write someone who is available, trusting, dependable, and financially secure or whatever you want. Your list also needs to written positively as if you already have it. Remember this is not a wish list. Don't write I hope, or please, but what you want in terms that you deserve it and will receive it.

The power is in the written word. If you write it down, than the universe can find him/her for you and even set up the meeting.

Trust, believe, and put feeling into your written list and then let it go. Remember only when the time is right your new relationship will manifest for you. It can't be forced, because whether you think you are ready or not, it just might not be the right time for you. Love yourself, love others, and love will come to you.

August 20, 2009

Why Marriages Fail For Men

Tips and Trick for Domesticity . let me define what I mean by a man's marriage failing. What I mean here when I say that a marriage fails is that your wife has lost interest in you. Or at least, she's not as interested in you as you'd like.

If it gets bad, she eventually expresses her disinterest in you by either: wanting to leave you or cheating on you. It may happen in degrees, but to whatever extent she's disinterested, the marriage is failing.

So if you want to keep her interest, don't let these reasons why marriages fail happen to you:
1. Ego
Get this one handled first. This is often the first reason why marriages fail. Honestly, step on your ego a little and half your problems will be solved. If you get this handled, you may not even need to know the other two reasons why marriages fail for men. It's your ego that's busy holding grudges, that can't forgive. It's your ego that makes you lose your temper and do stupid things. It's your ego that stops you from learning how to be a bigger man and a better husband. It's your ego that prevents you from repairing your relationship when you've screwed up-unless you're like me and you never screw up. Okay, okay, I admit it, I've screwed up...more times than I care to remember. And you have to. It happens, man. Get over it. Just fix it.

2. Blame
The second reason why marriages fail for men is that they convince themselves that women are the reason why marriages fail. Man, I can't tell you how many times I've heard a husband complain about his wife, and I think to myself, "Dude, she's not the problem. You are." Of course, I often tell him that, too. (It's the tough love I have to give sometimes). Your wife is not the reason why your marriage is failing. Stop blaming your wife for any marriage problems you face. Stop blaming her for how she treats you. Have you ever heard the saying, "We teach people how to treat us?" If you haven't, then you need to write it down right now: "We teach people how to treat us." So ask yourself, "How am I teaching my wife to treat me?"
My wife treats me with honor, love, and respect. She likes to think it's because of what a wonderful woman she is. And she is a wonderful woman. But it's because I won't accept anything less from her.

3. Logic
How can logic be a reason why marriages fail?! Well, read on, and you'll see. How your wife behaves depends on how she feels. And how she feels will never change with logic. So don't try to convince your wife with logic that she should behave differently. It's not about logic. It's about emotion. So get used to thinking in terms of emotion, and not in terms of logic. Many men fail to recognize their wife's emotions, and that's a big reason why marriages fail for them.

On a practical level, what does that mean? For one, it means stop arguing with her and trying to convince her to see things your way. If you inspire her emotions, she'll give everything to please you...even if she thinks you're wrong. Cuz it doesn't matter whether, logically, you're right or wrong. What matters is how you make her feel. Setting aside logic also means that you need to stop judging her feelings. Her feelings are her feelings. It doesn't matter if you think they "make sense" or not. Because it's not about logic; it's about feelings. It's all about emotions.

Stop trying to find "reason" with your wife. Instead, just understand her "emotion".
She's not a guy. She's a girl. Appreciate that. Stop trying to make her like a guy and "straighten" her. Just let her be a girl and enjoy the curvature.

August 19, 2009

When You are Falling Out of Love in Your Marriage

Tips and Trick for Domesticity . I get a lot of very heartfelt emails from people who feel like they are in either the beginning or end stages of "falling out of love" with their spouse. Most of them want to stop this process. They love their family and they don't want to disrupt their life or to do anything or feel anyway that would bring about major life changes. Still, it is human nature to want to be as happy and fulfilled as you are capable of being. And one of the strongest of all human urges is to love and be loved. So, you are likely to feel and experience this void very deeply, if you feel that this is missing from your life, especially within your own home or within your own marriage.

Even so, recognizing what is happening is the first step in fixing it, and I know first hand that it can be fixed in most cases. I firmly believe that most of the time, it is not the feelings that have changed, it is the circumstances that have.

Are You Participating In The Behaviors And Experiences That Will Keep You "In Love" With Your Spouse?: Often when people tell me that they are falling out of love, I ask them how much time they spend doing the things that they and their spouse enjoy together. In other words, what types of activities did you enjoy when you were
falling in love, and how often do you do these today? Often, people will pause, shuffle their feet, look down, or begin to spout of the laundry list of tasks and chores that define their lives today. These phrases are usually prefaced with things like "yeah, but.."

I understand this. We all have so many obligations that it can feel like we are literally swimming in them. And, it's not that we don't want to take or make time for our spouse, it's just that it can be, well, very difficult to juggle it all. I'm not bringing this up to elicit guilt or blame. Most everyone is guilty of this to some extent or another. But, few of us are able to look at this with some clarity and see the direct correlation between the QUALITY of time spent together and the QUALITY and intensity of the way that we feel about our spouses.

If we are only giving a lukewarm or "passable" attempt, then we are only going to get a lukewarm or passable result. This is true in all aspects of life, not just relationships. But, this lopsidedness will become quite evident in your marriage over time, no matter how good your intentions and no matter how much you really are committed to your spouse. You simply can not neglect the relationship and yet except to feel the same intense feelings.

If you took one day to witness how you interact with your spouse as an objective outsider, I'll bet you might be surprised at what you would see. I really was quite stunned when I did this exercise. I really did not find myself holding hands with my husband or spontaneously touching him. My therapist asked me to contrast this when we were first dating and of course, the difference was startling. She asked me to begin to focus just on one thing each day to bring us both physically or emotionally closer. This could be one back rub and for once, taking five minutes to really listen to what he was saying without absent mindedly sorting the mail. These small efforts helped me to see things from a different perspective.

Why Passion Always Fades (Even If You Really Do Love Your Spouse): I once had a therapist tell me something that I now often tell my readers. When I was confessing that the & and chemistry seemed to be exiting my marriage (mostly on the part of my husband) she told me that this is inevitable. What people define as the fireworks and the spark will often make it's grand exit because these things are based on "novelty, mystery, and discovery.

Well, when you are together for a while, these things can't help but leave the equation somewhat. You pass that phase where you are learning new, exciting and novel things about each other. The mystery leaves and you often turn your attention to the new discoveries that you can make about your children or your career. This isn't your fault, but it is the way that it is. You can change it though. You can concentrate on continue to discover new things about one another. You can shake things up a bit to create new novelty. You can travel together and experience new things so that you are always in a position to make new discoveries in an environment is conducive to excitement and enthusiasm.

Getting Started: When I tell people that they should start tweaking their circumstances and experiences today, they are often quite hesitant. They are reluctant to step out side of their comfort zone or to be the only one who is interested in changing things. It can feel really vulnerable to take the initiative, but someone has to and the rewards are going to be yours. Making your spouse happier and giving them more attention is only going to benefit you. Their happiness is sure to pay dividends to you when they return this favor.

Take small steps. Focus on giving a little bit more time and effort each day. Focus on finding things that you can both enjoy and look forward to. You do not want for this to feel like hard work or something that you have to convince yourself that you should or want to do. You should chose things that you will find appealing so that you will actually want to do them and will want to share them with your spouse.

Over time, as you begin to commit more time and effort, you will start to see meaningful changes in the intensity of your feelings. It truly is a very simple equation. Quality in almost always equals quality out. This is true in all things - even marriage.

There was a time that I thought my marriage was truly at it's end. My husband had totally checked out, had made clear that he was no longer "in love" with me, and would not lift a finger to help me reconcile the marriage. Thankfully, even though I had doubts, I decided to try one last thing, to give a little more, and to approach it from another angle and this eventually worked.

August 03, 2009

The Most Beatiful Gift

Tips and Tricks For Domesticity 1. Attendance.If We love a man / a girl, his / her attendance is priceless. Yes, her/his attendance can present by mail, phone, photo or fax, but if she/he can present beside us, we can share our feeling, attention, affection as a whole and intensive. Attandance can be a happiness carrier.

2. Listening. A little bit of people are able to give this gift. Because, most of people would rather heard by some one. As we know, the relationship harmonism deterninable by mutual Listening. With listening, we learn about patient and lowliness. Just say thank will be beautiful heard.

3. Silent. As some of words, there is a power on our silent. Silent can be used for punish or repel some one. But silent can indicate our love such as give space to some one.

4. give rope. Could we claim to be love some one if we trannel him ? One of Love realization is give him a free hand. The meaning of give rope is not "you can do as you like".Give rope is give confidence to responsible of his decision or what he did.

5. Graciously.Who are not happy looking our darling prettier or more handsome ? Beauty / handsomeness is a gift. It is not wrong giving this gift every day.

6. ready to giving way any problem can not be matter in dispute. Think first, if your relationship will be broken by that problem. You could have giving way him.

7. A Smile. Believe it or not, the power of a smile is quite extraordinary. A Smile that given honesty can be a spirit of disconsolate, bright a depressed atmosphere. A smile is eligibility to expose we with world.

Have a nice day !

May 13, 2009

The Secret for Long lasting Relationship

Tips and Tricks For Domesticity . we are some times confused why is there people hold on their love or marriage, but the other way there is broken off in midway. As the story goes, there are several things bringing long lasting.

1. Communication
Being happy is determained by 2 persons.It means, must have interrelationship. Communication is one way to achieve it. If you are like to begin as stranger with your couple, it means, you loss communication. The communication is not only speaking, but also responsive. Adopt good attitude on your communication, with listen people speaking till finish, before you tell your opinion.

2. Honestly
That may be so many people to secret kept a thing a secret from their couple. Some times, even to hide a thing is the best way. But more of people said that honestly make marriage or relationship go along way. In all likehood honestly is a bitter one to be heard, but honestly will save relationship.

3. Sense of trust each other.
How bitter and sad this live if you continually strained and suspicious, is it true said by our couple ?. For the example, when we go home too late, with the traffic jam reason or there is meeting by the run. Is that always become to curiosity matter ? If there is sense of trust, it is never become a threat.

4. Laugh
Almost people admitted that Laugh is panacea for a relationship. Even in shameful moment. Balst of Laugh can be rescuer of cool situation.

5. Be friend to your couple.
How can we be lovers, if we can't be friends, said Michael Bolton in one of his album. He is right, becuse love with some one who can not be friend, will never go along way. Love relationship need more enough emotion.

6. Be appreciate each others.
There is no success relationship, if some one contemn its couple. We must respect to appreciate our couple. Don't forget to acquire appreciation from your couple, you must appreciate your self before.

7. Love all moment.
What's the name of amour without love ? Be sure your self that you love him and he loves you.

8. Compromise.
as we study macro economics, We know that balance will be reached if demand and supply curve meet on one point. In love, it is not enough different. Your desirability from him and conversely. It need compromise to reach balance. There is small thing as sacrifice to acquire happiness. And so with conversely.

9. condone each others.
Give a pardon and do not keep resentment. For big default, this law is also valid permanent. When you throw resentment for one time, than the relationship will not outworn.
dictionary :
In all likehood = boleh jadi
panacea = obat mujarab

May 06, 2009

Did You involved in forbidden love ?

Tips and Tricks For Domesticity . Here are so many kind of love relationship that have damaged or fail possibility . Check your love story, Do your story belonging to forbidden love.
1. Relationship start from incommensurat of love.
There is a man who love a girl very much. He phones 3 times a day, give some kind of gift and attention. Actually there is no wrong for all, if it get 2 ways direction. The problem is if it get only one way direction.

at the end, this relationship will blossom out to become healtless relationship, because one side love another side with high value and not balanced. Whereas in healty relationship, must have equality. This relationship will be get benefit only. it means, as the love object, a man or a girl can get profit and benefit from the subject. This relationship could based on out of pity that gives unspeakable effect in the future.

2. The relation ship are started because of a fantasy

In the live process, some times there are the moment in fantasy period. Such as, when a man are bussy in work, leave to certain area and meet a girl who leave to its area. In this situation, if there is interesting each other, they preference to interlace a love relationship.
It is called as the fantasy relationship. Two of them are not in their routinezed and fall in relaxe atmosphere that is for a while. Sooner or later when they come back to true activity, they are like to get stranglehold. And when that happens, this fantasy relationship will be messiness

3. the relationship is started because of uprising to their family or their parents.
Such as, a man choose a girl who not mother's criteria, because there are some angry or certain reverenge that kept to mother.

Maybe his own doesn't like her. But he force to hold on in order to their parent have annoyed feel. this relationship will get so many disappointed and full of bitterness because of various problem.

4. The relationship is stared in emotional situation that is still heart by
broken heart.

There is type of person who find his couple as soon as possible, after broken heart. It could wreak all of his sadness or his dissapointed or even plan to pay off old scores. It can be happen without unrealizable by him.

Actually, he can love honestly new his beloved. But, most of these, person who in broken heart still bring his bad experience in the past. At the heart of the matter, Do not force your self to bulid up serious relationship to person who just broken heart.

5. The relationship is started as the dishonest result.

Latter, so many people ruse in this problem. Fall in love with a girl who has a fiance can be a chalenge for some people. Whereas this dangerous game will harm and reakky fault.

incommensurat = tidak seimbang
out of pity = karena kasihan
unspeakable = amat buruk
stranglehold = cekikan
uprising = pemberontakan
messiness = berantakan
reverenge = dendam
bitterness = kepahitan
wreak = melampiaskan
pay off old scores = balas dendam