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Why Marriages Fail For Men

Tips and Trick for Domesticity . let me define what I mean by a man's marriage failing. What I mean here when I say that a marriage fails is that your wife has lost interest in you. Or at least, she's not as interested in you as you'd like.

If it gets bad, she eventually expresses her disinterest in you by either: wanting to leave you or cheating on you. It may happen in degrees, but to whatever extent she's disinterested, the marriage is failing.

So if you want to keep her interest, don't let these reasons why marriages fail happen to you:
1. Ego
Get this one handled first. This is often the first reason why marriages fail. Honestly, step on your ego a little and half your problems will be solved. If you get this handled, you may not even need to know the other two reasons why marriages fail for men. It's your ego that's busy holding grudges, that can't forgive. It's your ego that makes you lose your temper and do stupid things. It's your ego that stops you from learning how to be a bigger man and a better husband. It's your ego that prevents you from repairing your relationship when you've screwed up-unless you're like me and you never screw up. Okay, okay, I admit it, I've screwed up...more times than I care to remember. And you have to. It happens, man. Get over it. Just fix it.

2. Blame
The second reason why marriages fail for men is that they convince themselves that women are the reason why marriages fail. Man, I can't tell you how many times I've heard a husband complain about his wife, and I think to myself, "Dude, she's not the problem. You are." Of course, I often tell him that, too. (It's the tough love I have to give sometimes). Your wife is not the reason why your marriage is failing. Stop blaming your wife for any marriage problems you face. Stop blaming her for how she treats you. Have you ever heard the saying, "We teach people how to treat us?" If you haven't, then you need to write it down right now: "We teach people how to treat us." So ask yourself, "How am I teaching my wife to treat me?"
My wife treats me with honor, love, and respect. She likes to think it's because of what a wonderful woman she is. And she is a wonderful woman. But it's because I won't accept anything less from her.

3. Logic
How can logic be a reason why marriages fail?! Well, read on, and you'll see. How your wife behaves depends on how she feels. And how she feels will never change with logic. So don't try to convince your wife with logic that she should behave differently. It's not about logic. It's about emotion. So get used to thinking in terms of emotion, and not in terms of logic. Many men fail to recognize their wife's emotions, and that's a big reason why marriages fail for them.

On a practical level, what does that mean? For one, it means stop arguing with her and trying to convince her to see things your way. If you inspire her emotions, she'll give everything to please you...even if she thinks you're wrong. Cuz it doesn't matter whether, logically, you're right or wrong. What matters is how you make her feel. Setting aside logic also means that you need to stop judging her feelings. Her feelings are her feelings. It doesn't matter if you think they "make sense" or not. Because it's not about logic; it's about feelings. It's all about emotions.

Stop trying to find "reason" with your wife. Instead, just understand her "emotion".
She's not a guy. She's a girl. Appreciate that. Stop trying to make her like a guy and "straighten" her. Just let her be a girl and enjoy the curvature.
Siti Arofah
Siti Arofah Aku mulai tertarik membuat cerpen ketika kelas 6 SD. Waktu itu, ceritaku seputar kisah kehidupan.

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