Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marriage. Show all posts

February 07, 2024

Trust Me, You Don't Want to Miss This: How to Keep the Trust in Your Relationship

Trust Me, You Don't Want to Miss This: How to Keep the Trust in Your Relationship
How to Keep the Trust in Your Relationship
Tips and Tricks on Domesticity So, you're in a relationship. Maybe you're head over heels in love, or perhaps you've been together for years and are now married with a growing family. No matter where you are in your journey, one thing is for certain – trust is the foundation that holds every relationship together. Trust is like the glue that keeps all the pieces intact, and without it, everything can fall apart.

Maintaining trust in a relationship is crucial, but it's not always easy. Life throws curveballs, emotions fluctuate, and doubts can creep in. However, if you're committed to nurturing your bond, rest assured that there are ways to keep trust alive and thriving. In this article, we'll explore some of those strategies and help you breathe new life into your relationship.

February 06, 2024

Lost and Found : How to Rebuild Trust in Your Relationship

Lost and Found : How to Rebuild Trust in Your Relationship

Tips and Tricks on Domesticity , Love is a beautiful thing, but it's not always smooth sailing. In every relationship, there will come a time when trust gets lost along the way. It could be due to a broken promise, a lie, or even an affair. Whatever the cause, rebuilding trust is essential for the survival and growth of your relationship. So, if you find yourself in a situation where trust has been shattered, fear not! In this article, we will guide you on how to rebuild trust in your relationship, piece by piece.

January 24, 2024

Navigating the Safety Costs with a Part-Time Household Servant : A Closer Look

Navigating the Safety Costs with a Part-Time Household Servant : A Closer Look
Tips and Tricks on Domesticity. In today's fast-paced world, balancing work, family, and maintaining a pristine home can be an overwhelming task. Many households are now turning to part-time household servants to ease the burden. However, along with convenience comes the responsibility of ensuring the safety of both your family and the helper. In this blog post, we delve into the various safety costs associated with hiring a part-time household servant and offer practical tips on creating a secure environment. Let's jump right in!

Explore Emotional Connections Outside of Committed Relationship

Explore emotional connections outside of committed relationship

Hey there ! Let's dive into the realm of relationships and love, shall we? We often tend to think of emotional connections solely within the confines of committed relationships, but the truth is, there are various other avenues for exploring these connections. In this article, we'll take a casual stroll through the world of emotional connections outside of committed relationships.

First things first, let's establish that relationships come in all shapes and sizes. They can be romantic, platonic, familial, or even professional. Love, too, can manifest itself in different forms. It's not solely restricted to romantic love, but can encompass love for friends, family, pets, hobbies, passions, and beyond.

October 20, 2009

Years of Turbulent Marriage

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Marriage coveted lifetime of each pair is not easy to come by. And will need to struggle with the husband and wife to continue to keep it from year to year. Following years of marriage prone to watch.


This is the years that indicates whether the couple "newlyweds" could survive in the following years. Many who succeeded beyond it, not a few who decided to get divorced, too. Because, in reality this is actually started. Each side saw the real, who partner.

Be prepared to accept what is called depression newlyweds. After the party, the couple took his own home and learn to live independently as a husband and wife. This is where the division of roles and cooperation starts. There are smooth, some are not. Many things are a priority that must be resolved together. About
money, for example, who should regulate. Also how to spend leisure time together, handling in-laws, the laws and other extended family. Infants born later will make the whole rhythm of the father and mother changed. Clearly, it caused anxiety challenge.

In order to survive and go smoothly, in the first years of this couple should have already started discussing about how to solve problems in case of conflicts, also discussed the expectations of each party.

Couples who can get through this period are those who always have a positive view of her partner, do not give up easily, and will together find a way out in every issue. Although the first years are difficult, they will still remember him as the first years of full intimacy, affection, and mutual learning. It is also important, can be valuable lessons and experience to take the following years.


Ever hear the term "the seven years Itch"? This is the seventh year that makes "itch". After many years together, the couple had started to find patterns and rhythms of the more obvious marriage. However, the desire each of which is readable and physical closeness and emotional is not guaranteed that the intimacy and intimacy continued.

After seven years in pairs, many married couples begin to get stuck in a routine housekeep. Husband and wife also got busy with their own affairs. Mother taking care of children who started school and growing up, my father, too busy struggling with the increasingly promising career. Not to mention the demands of the growing needs of large families, making increasingly busy father with additional work that can make money.

All that have consequences in the marriage relationship. Because each of busy, time to be alone diminished. As a result, the intimacy was threatened. Even more worrying, since each busy with his own affairs and all things running routine, the more intimate relationship sebagaihal routine visits only for biological needs it. No longer an expression intimacy and affection. If not careful, each party may feel hot and itchy, like people who are trapped. Just a little temptation or see new things more exciting outside the home, threatened to make a commitment.

That is why many an affair or infidelity that occurs after 5 or 7 years of marriage. The couple tried to get out of the things that make it saturated. Among other things, a relationship with someone entirely new.

To keep the passion and intimacy remains lit, do a second honeymoon, revision and re-marriage relationship intimacy what patterns can be applied, according to the age of marriage. Do not expect too much of that in a short time everything will change like a new bride. What is important is the desire to remain committed and renew intimacy.


In the fifteenth year, emotionally and physically, the closeness of husband and wife getting stronger. Many problems can be settled, such as the house was bought and established the family finances. But the next challenge came in this year. Just like previous years, problems that arise are more saturation. Plus family togetherness is also diminishing. For example, children who entered pre teens, start hanging out more outside the home, and busy with school affairs. Father was at the peak of his career, as well as working mothers.

No wonder if in the early years is easy to make an appointment to have dinner with the couple in a romantic restaurant, now even hard. It's hard to ask him to spend time romancing because preoccupations.
Physical changes of each party, for example, widened body shape or wrinkle on the face of increasingly visible, also gave birth to their own anxiety. Each was no longer attractive and sexy in the eyes of their partner. And inadequate sense arises. Couples no longer fears aroused, can lead to an intimate relationship. Most feel insecure is realized by refusing when asked to cuddling. In fact, because each party had so long slept in one bed, must have known their partner's body. So, the problem really should not be obstacles in having sex. In fact, because the emotional attachment grew stronger, able to make intimate relationships become more solid.
Indeed, hell, do not imagine an intimate relationship with the same frequency with a new bride. But that must be remembered, no longer the number, but the quality. Although in one month can be counted on the fingers, do different variations to give an update. Begin giving surprises sweet, such as sending SMS to his wife, "What if we meet this evening in the hotel x and spent the night without the kids?"

Later years

Simone Signoret, famous writer from France, in one of his novels to write, "The chain does not bind the marriage, but the chain's eyes. Hundreds of crocheted chain every day together, which binds continued for years. That's what makes a marriage survive, not the passion and even the sex! "
Thus, although 5, 10, even 25 years of marriage had passed safely, never complacent. There, lo, a new month anniversary of marriage to 25, then divorced. What article? Proximity sometimes make us complacent. We feel already know what the needs of couples. In fact, every human being is always needed refreshment and the surprises in his life. Included in her marriage.

Although the marriage seems perfect, there's no harm to sit down together every year, such as wedding anniversary, to look back, what was actually escaped the attention of both the concerns about the husband-wife relationship. Are we sensitive to the needs of the couple? Model tenderness and intimacy. what we want, along with the marriage age ? What
a lump or a constraint on all the things that can interfere with the relationship? Well, all that should be reviewed again, no matter how old your marriage. No one can guarantee forever will run smoothly, if each party complacent and indifferent to the situation that seems perfect marriage, but to save time bomb. Now know what to do?

October 13, 2009

Give rewards if he would change his habits

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Can someone changed the nature of evil? It was not. The marriage counselor will usually say, it is we who must change for couples.

You can change your spouse, if you feel disturbing is his bad habits. For example, smoking, reluctant to wash the feet when back from work, or leave the TV on when not watching. Such habits are often very difficult because we face our own orderly habit. When it comes to hygiene, bad habits or nasty, too often make one of the pair became ilfil. In fact, when the he was a husband, of course we have to see him every day. How can marriage be fun if one was disturbed ?

Well, if you intend to convey to the couple, first find out how to submit objections without offend. Also, do not expect the she would change once you have requested. Changes would take time.

1. Ask good. Often we do not believe, why someone might do something bad, or dirty. But you know, that person may not know that what he was doing was disturbing other people? And, are you aware that his countenance upset or anger will only make you confused? Rather than a look of haughty or silenced, the better he's invited to sit together in one convenient place, while his heart was glad, and say that what he did cause problems (specify what the consequences). Men can not read your mind. Let's just say clearly what you desire.

2. Do the demonstrations that describes behavior. The mere discussion he took while watching a movie, making the audience around you repeatedly say, "Hush ...!"? So that the he knew what it was interrupted on when you are concentrating to what presented in the film, try to imitate what he had done. Perform a teasing way, so he also knew that you were reprimanded him gently, rather than approve what he did.

3. Tell them that you will stop one of your bad habits, if he could stop the bad habit. For example, the doctor had asked her husband to quit smoking, but he was still smoking. Offer: You will not eat offal if the husband is also willing to comply with the doctor ordered. Offer some kind of barter or compromise such a positive way to avoid confrontation and remove some unnecessary habits.

4. Ask what the couple would be perceived if the habit that other people do. He may not realize what it was like a party who see or feel the consequences. For example, you leave a gang with a friend, and all hungry. Once in the restaurant, the direct him to go inside and order food for himself. He also immediately regardless of your dinner is still waiting for other friends who have not come. This attitude did not put together. So, ask him what he felt he had when he left in a state of your stomach growls while enjoying your own food.

5. Give rewards if couples are willing to discard bad habits. When talking with partners about the habit, say that you'll give anything he wants (eg massage at home from the office) every time he tried to stop the annoying habit. Make sure that he was making these changes not because they had to, but because to understand what good influence.

6. Without threatening or offensive, let's him know that the habits that make you turn off. You need to get used to each other in dialogue (rather than discussing the purpose for right and wrong, you know) with a partner. Couples need to know how you feel due to his behavior. Instead, open yourself as well if the he also threw a variety of objections about your bad habits.

However, no one is perfect, right ?

October 08, 2009

Understanding the husband molester Orientation

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Although nearly everyone agrees that infidelity brings bad consequences for the family, still cheating behavior occur everywhere regardless of a particular social class. With no intention of ignoring many facts about the affair by the wife, this short note will only be little talk about the behavior of the husband's affair a man's wife.

Not that the man who paid a mediocre will not infidelity, but usually the man who has enough money to finance the affair is more potent activity to be unfaithful. Not just about money, cheating man usually are those who have power. Because of their arrogance, infidelity is considered as a means to demonstrate his power.

Drastic change of status, such as from middle management level to senior executive positions can make someone feel giddy. He will be separated from his colleagues, the work challenges that may not be understood by their partner. At this point maybe he'll find someone to talk I can talk with ease to reveal the contents of his heart. The need for someone to talk to these higher when communication with the wife did not go well, could occur because of educational background or a different social.

The children are growing up and demanding more attention, must divide their time between career and family, was enough to make a wife out of time and ignore the need to share a husband. There are also husbands who are looking for another woman because she was too dominant. But still this is not a reason for someone to break a promise allegiance. However, this situation might encourage the husband to find someone else who can give him attention.

Praise from colleagues, the intensity of the meeting too often, a text message from the former, and little attention to other forms of long could make hearts soar, too. Equality of hobbies and interests, the same chemistry, plus a meeting of high intensity could be a trigger dangerous.

Actually only a few men who wore an affair for reasons of physical attraction. Despite having a beautiful wife but when the house was always mamakai clothes are, not keeping clean, the face is always covered cosmetic tools (wear a mask, hair dirol), while just a pretty face shown when outside the home, a long course men can get bored and looking for a more interesting scene outside the home.

September 26, 2009

Maintaining Age Wedding Tips

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Married life until the end of life, happy and having children is the desire of married couples. No couples who want a divorce in their household. It has become common news in the current era, if a newly married couple a few months, then came the news of their divorce.

"It could be their decision to get married, you are only limited to be able to settle down and could have a pair just ..."
"But not because based on a deep sense of love and desire to live forever with your partner ..."

Desire "false" is a very fatal if not immediately be aware of and you correct from the start. Divorce is often painful for the parties involved, including the children. Divorce also can cause stress and trauma to start a new relationship with the opposite sex.

Here are some tips that may help couples married as long as possible to maintain their marriage age:

1. Communication Two Directions
Familiarize you and your partner communicate, both when in the house or when you're far apart
. If there is a problem, should be discussed when you or your partner are relaxed. Domestic disharmony usually originated from the lack of two-way communication between husband and wife. Each store each problem that they seemed to walk alone despite being under one roof.

2. Openness Sex Questions
Sexual problems was also the cause of divorce. Maybe people often forget that sexual function in addition to procreation of offspring, as well as for recreation or pleasure, and "expression of love".
Whereas many couples admitted having sexual relations can eliminate the tension after a hard day. In fact, to avoid boredom, it could not hurt to have sex other than in bed. You can do it in the kitchen, living room, even in the garage. But remember, what you want in sex should be communicated with your partner. And vice versa.

3. Accepting It Is
When a man and woman had shared a room and sedapur, each character will look original. Seduction rag did not reappear as when dating. There are only two people who had to adjust to each other .. This is where the real marriage. You and your partner learn to recognize individual differences. Some things that are a stumbling block in the relationship of husband and wife, are differences of perception, insight, and value. Including religious differences, cultural backgrounds, and personality. However, the differences could be overcome if only to try to understand each other and self introspection. Most couples who succeed in creating harmony until old age are those who managed to build together.
New unity is created when the couple managed to cultivate the spirit of sacrifice, not selfish, and have a sense of mutual understanding.

4. Do not Make a habit of Lying
Have your partner asked in detail if you are still busy until the evening meeting with business clients who turned out pretty or handsome, smart and attractive ? Well, usually, so that your partner is not too much to ask and you will be reluctant if it appears an argument, you are actually lying. You just say different things for good reasons.

You need to know that this is included in a lie that can be will continue until you and your spouse will be married to live a lie. So that it does not happen, uttered with a calm attitude that what you are doing is just business.

5. Do not Jealous Overstated
Many say that jealousy is the spice of household relationship. Okay, that's fine ! But that does not mean you or your partner could be jealous blind. Nothing new that a lot of disputes happen because of jealousy, which more often stems from misinterpretation and lack of openness.

For example, at one point because of the demands of work, the husband should ask his secretary out of town. The wife who only heard half the story from someone else, could easily accuse her husband was having an affair. And if only the wife and husband would ask to open, or previously introduced his secretary to his wife, could be another problem.

6. Avoid molester
The affair usually happens because each did not want to open each other or listen to what their partner complained. "For example, the husband was angry because every time she came, she was not at home ..!!" But the complaint was not delivered, or is expressed but not heard, or the wife did not want to change his habits.

An affair can also occur because the couple alone, rarely feel sexual pleasure or temptation from the outside like the nuances of erotic entertainment, siren and others. To resolve the dispute or adultery, which should be done first is to find the root permasalahnnya, then sought to be avoided or eliminated.

7. Look for The Third As Intercessor
If you find problems and strife arises between you and your partner, find a third person as mediator. People can like Kyai religious leaders or clergy, and community leaders who have broad knowledge and wise and psychologists. Search this better than your gripe with relatives, neighbors or your friends .. !

8. Stay intimate
In order for your relationship and your partner still tender, throw away all the perception that the romance is only worth it while still dating. Basically, the romance is the right of every person, regardless of age or status.

9. Give To The Above
Sometimes, excessive emotions arise when your problem and your partner reveals to the surface. Give yourself and pray To the Almighty Creator is a great way to diredamkan emotions and problems can be solved properly.

September 25, 2009

Pollution in Marriage

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. As well as the polluted environment if we are careless because they do not care, it turns out we can also create pollution for marriage through deeds and words are negative. In fact, we should take care. But do not forget, to take care also needed a breakthrough considering the dynamic nature of marital relationships with new experiences and problems.

You can see and study the pollution-pollution that can negatively impact both how to clean it to be able to keep your marriage relationship is always healthy.

1. Lazy
Laziness is the main enemy of marriage. This behavior makes you just live it alone until you both forgot to do the things that should be made more intimate marriage. Naturally, in line with the increasing age of marriage, you both feel comfortable. But not many couples are realizing, more and more to spend time together, the less concern you on the new things that refreshing out there that if done it can enliven the marriage. You felt it was "knowing the same to know" that either forget or lazy, no longer thought of a romantic surprise or compelling show to attract couples.

Solution :
It's time you and your partner apply immediately rose and active! Make the things that make your partner know how much still loved him with sincere and crazy about her. Show also that you want it, need attention and want to do many things with him. Find a place that can be enjoyed together, as two of your favorite vacation spot. If it had been doing their own hobbies, find a new hobby to do together.

2. Argument
Not the argument that a pollutant, but how do you both arguments when there is a difference of opinion. The argument is reasonable and necessary because often it can make you both become closer. Through argument, you and your partner learn that every person often has different ways of thinking. Each can use these differences to better understand one another. Then in the end mutual respect also leads us to be more wise with each other. Unfortunately, most of the arguments made in a negative manner, such as yelling at each other which merely aim to put forward their respective egos.

Solution :
Please note that the argument is not a bad thing in a marriage. But the argument in a healthy marriage seeking convergence and compromise that could please all parties. So, you both need to learn, when he was about to argue, have a heart and an open mind in order to find a solution.

3. Rejection
Rejection is a very disturbing toxic marriage. Many of us are as "blind" that the relationship was no longer in a healthy marriage. We tried to circumvent that everything was fine, so we shut out what really happened. Relations in marriage, because it is dynamic, there's always ebb and flow. Sometimes the challenge and problem that can be painful and cause anger. Leaving aside the problem will actually make the problem itself bigger until your relationship really at risk. Problems and challenges will always arise, but the new solution can be found if you both acknowledge that there is.

Solution :
Be realistic and accept the fact that the problems and challenges in a marriage can always come along with the love that remains attached to one another. Recognizing this can help you both better prepared to accept that the problem was coming and find a solution. If you both want to continue with, of course, what is needed is a strong team all the time, when crumpled or happy. Let's just say that the opposite is the problem, so always be sought in ways that can overcome the problem.

September 24, 2009

Happy marriage tips

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Marital life needs art to keep it durable and not boring. Because then, your marriage will work out happily until the time comes. Here are tips to keep your marriage to be happy :

1. Come With Love Not Alone.
Always try to renew your love in a way berdua.Tak need much, just getting used to declare to the partner, how much you love her. Say thank you all every time he showed a concern, so arises a sense of mutual respect.

2. Learning Respect and Accept It Is.
These words spoken so often, but to be honest, really how much you actually receive spouse? Try to accept the shortcomings. At the very least, look at the shortcomings, as things that make her husband a unique individual. Instead, you are also trying to better explore the advantages husband.

3. Be Open.
Honesty in marriage is absolute. Without honesty, lies will accumulate and eventually explode into a major crisis. Be open not only limited to express what's on your mind to your partner, but also open to input.

4. Avoid Assume.
Real couples is not someone who can read your mind, but someone who can understand you and love what they are. But, this understanding must come from your own. For example, what are you ingikan of a marriage, and what kind of attitude you want from a husband.

5. Start With Yourself.
Want your husband more attentive? Well, of course, you first need to give attention and affection to him. Treat your partner as you want to be treated, and the changes that you hope will datan itself.