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Give rewards if he would change his habits

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Can someone changed the nature of evil? It was not. The marriage counselor will usually say, it is we who must change for couples.

You can change your spouse, if you feel disturbing is his bad habits. For example, smoking, reluctant to wash the feet when back from work, or leave the TV on when not watching. Such habits are often very difficult because we face our own orderly habit. When it comes to hygiene, bad habits or nasty, too often make one of the pair became ilfil. In fact, when the he was a husband, of course we have to see him every day. How can marriage be fun if one was disturbed ?

Well, if you intend to convey to the couple, first find out how to submit objections without offend. Also, do not expect the she would change once you have requested. Changes would take time.

1. Ask good. Often we do not believe, why someone might do something bad, or dirty. But you know, that person may not know that what he was doing was disturbing other people? And, are you aware that his countenance upset or anger will only make you confused? Rather than a look of haughty or silenced, the better he's invited to sit together in one convenient place, while his heart was glad, and say that what he did cause problems (specify what the consequences). Men can not read your mind. Let's just say clearly what you desire.

2. Do the demonstrations that describes behavior. The mere discussion he took while watching a movie, making the audience around you repeatedly say, "Hush ...!"? So that the he knew what it was interrupted on when you are concentrating to what presented in the film, try to imitate what he had done. Perform a teasing way, so he also knew that you were reprimanded him gently, rather than approve what he did.

3. Tell them that you will stop one of your bad habits, if he could stop the bad habit. For example, the doctor had asked her husband to quit smoking, but he was still smoking. Offer: You will not eat offal if the husband is also willing to comply with the doctor ordered. Offer some kind of barter or compromise such a positive way to avoid confrontation and remove some unnecessary habits.

4. Ask what the couple would be perceived if the habit that other people do. He may not realize what it was like a party who see or feel the consequences. For example, you leave a gang with a friend, and all hungry. Once in the restaurant, the direct him to go inside and order food for himself. He also immediately regardless of your dinner is still waiting for other friends who have not come. This attitude did not put together. So, ask him what he felt he had when he left in a state of your stomach growls while enjoying your own food.

5. Give rewards if couples are willing to discard bad habits. When talking with partners about the habit, say that you'll give anything he wants (eg massage at home from the office) every time he tried to stop the annoying habit. Make sure that he was making these changes not because they had to, but because to understand what good influence.

6. Without threatening or offensive, let's him know that the habits that make you turn off. You need to get used to each other in dialogue (rather than discussing the purpose for right and wrong, you know) with a partner. Couples need to know how you feel due to his behavior. Instead, open yourself as well if the he also threw a variety of objections about your bad habits.

However, no one is perfect, right ?
Siti Arofah
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