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Fathers and Mothers Have Different Roles in Providing Knowledge to Children

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. It is expected that parents understand child development and keep up with knowledge. Just like children, parents also have a gender and a different temperament that contribute to the ways that differ in parenting. In general, the father and mother have an equal role in parenting their children. But there is little difference in the touch of what is shown by the father and mother.

1. Foster feelings of love and love to children through a long interaction involves physical touch and affection.
2. Growing language skills in children through the activities of storytelling and storytelling, as well as through activities that are closer to child, ie, speaking from the heart to the children.
3. Teach about gender roles of women, about how to act as a woman, and what is expected by the social environment of a woman.

Role of fathers
1. Feeling confident and competent in children through play activities are more physically violent and involve both inside and outside the room.
2. Growing need for achieving the desire to introduce children through the child activities of the various stories about the ideals.
3. Teach about gender roles of men, about how to act as a man, and what is expected by the social environment of man.

The role of parents in child rearing change over the growth and development. Therefore, parents are expected to understand the phases of child development and keep up. The child needs to perform certain actions on the environment to be able to develop complex ways of looking and intelligent on every experience. It is the task of parents to give children the experience they need to develop a perfect intellect
Siti Arofah
Siti Arofah Aku mulai tertarik membuat cerpen ketika kelas 6 SD. Waktu itu, ceritaku seputar kisah kehidupan.

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