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Pollution in Marriage

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. As well as the polluted environment if we are careless because they do not care, it turns out we can also create pollution for marriage through deeds and words are negative. In fact, we should take care. But do not forget, to take care also needed a breakthrough considering the dynamic nature of marital relationships with new experiences and problems.

You can see and study the pollution-pollution that can negatively impact both how to clean it to be able to keep your marriage relationship is always healthy.

1. Lazy
Laziness is the main enemy of marriage. This behavior makes you just live it alone until you both forgot to do the things that should be made more intimate marriage. Naturally, in line with the increasing age of marriage, you both feel comfortable. But not many couples are realizing, more and more to spend time together, the less concern you on the new things that refreshing out there that if done it can enliven the marriage. You felt it was "knowing the same to know" that either forget or lazy, no longer thought of a romantic surprise or compelling show to attract couples.

Solution :
It's time you and your partner apply immediately rose and active! Make the things that make your partner know how much still loved him with sincere and crazy about her. Show also that you want it, need attention and want to do many things with him. Find a place that can be enjoyed together, as two of your favorite vacation spot. If it had been doing their own hobbies, find a new hobby to do together.

2. Argument
Not the argument that a pollutant, but how do you both arguments when there is a difference of opinion. The argument is reasonable and necessary because often it can make you both become closer. Through argument, you and your partner learn that every person often has different ways of thinking. Each can use these differences to better understand one another. Then in the end mutual respect also leads us to be more wise with each other. Unfortunately, most of the arguments made in a negative manner, such as yelling at each other which merely aim to put forward their respective egos.

Solution :
Please note that the argument is not a bad thing in a marriage. But the argument in a healthy marriage seeking convergence and compromise that could please all parties. So, you both need to learn, when he was about to argue, have a heart and an open mind in order to find a solution.

3. Rejection
Rejection is a very disturbing toxic marriage. Many of us are as "blind" that the relationship was no longer in a healthy marriage. We tried to circumvent that everything was fine, so we shut out what really happened. Relations in marriage, because it is dynamic, there's always ebb and flow. Sometimes the challenge and problem that can be painful and cause anger. Leaving aside the problem will actually make the problem itself bigger until your relationship really at risk. Problems and challenges will always arise, but the new solution can be found if you both acknowledge that there is.

Solution :
Be realistic and accept the fact that the problems and challenges in a marriage can always come along with the love that remains attached to one another. Recognizing this can help you both better prepared to accept that the problem was coming and find a solution. If you both want to continue with, of course, what is needed is a strong team all the time, when crumpled or happy. Let's just say that the opposite is the problem, so always be sought in ways that can overcome the problem.
Siti Arofah
Siti Arofah Aku mulai tertarik membuat cerpen ketika kelas 6 SD. Waktu itu, ceritaku seputar kisah kehidupan.

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