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Secure Hanging Out in the Internet World

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Virtual World is able to offer love, friendship, and friendship. However, at the same time socially online vehicle also has a damaging impact on reputation, job, and your social relationships in the real world.

Of course you would not let strangers into your house, rummaging through your personal space. The same thing should also apply in that nurtured relationships virtually. If you allow someone else to freely read the profile, accessing photos, and even a list of your friends, it just means you are inviting others into your personal area.

"If you've never met face to face directly, you should not put someone in a list of friends in cyberspace," said Parry Aftab, a lawyer who specialized in issues of security and privacy on the Internet. Communicate with friends in the virtual world also has shortcomings from the standpoint of psychology, namely the more people felt no need to meet directly because their needs are met through technology.

To have friends you make in the virtual universe running smoothly and safely, there are some things to consider:

Create a password is not unusual
Do not use a password that is too predictable, like a middle name or date of birth, to enter the site pages. In short, do not let your password known to others because it could be your home page changed casually by people.

No Install photos arbitrary
"We have a lot of big companies are investigating potential employees through social sites like Facebook or MySpace to find out whether the person is a good candidate," said Aftab. So be careful when installing images that can consume a lot of people.

Giving too much detailed information
Put a picture of where you are in front of the house style that shows the name of the street is a dangerous thing. This as well as invite other people. "Even with this brief information others can make a credit card account with your name," said Anastasia Goodsten, inventor of the web site marketing via Ypulse.

Siti Arofah
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