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Did You involved in forbidden love ?

Tips and Tricks For Domesticity . Here are so many kind of love relationship that have damaged or fail possibility . Check your love story, Do your story belonging to forbidden love.
1. Relationship start from incommensurat of love.
There is a man who love a girl very much. He phones 3 times a day, give some kind of gift and attention. Actually there is no wrong for all, if it get 2 ways direction. The problem is if it get only one way direction.

at the end, this relationship will blossom out to become healtless relationship, because one side love another side with high value and not balanced. Whereas in healty relationship, must have equality. This relationship will be get benefit only. it means, as the love object, a man or a girl can get profit and benefit from the subject. This relationship could based on out of pity that gives unspeakable effect in the future.

2. The relation ship are started because of a fantasy

In the live process, some times there are the moment in fantasy period. Such as, when a man are bussy in work, leave to certain area and meet a girl who leave to its area. In this situation, if there is interesting each other, they preference to interlace a love relationship.
It is called as the fantasy relationship. Two of them are not in their routinezed and fall in relaxe atmosphere that is for a while. Sooner or later when they come back to true activity, they are like to get stranglehold. And when that happens, this fantasy relationship will be messiness

3. the relationship is started because of uprising to their family or their parents.
Such as, a man choose a girl who not mother's criteria, because there are some angry or certain reverenge that kept to mother.

Maybe his own doesn't like her. But he force to hold on in order to their parent have annoyed feel. this relationship will get so many disappointed and full of bitterness because of various problem.

4. The relationship is stared in emotional situation that is still heart by
broken heart.

There is type of person who find his couple as soon as possible, after broken heart. It could wreak all of his sadness or his dissapointed or even plan to pay off old scores. It can be happen without unrealizable by him.

Actually, he can love honestly new his beloved. But, most of these, person who in broken heart still bring his bad experience in the past. At the heart of the matter, Do not force your self to bulid up serious relationship to person who just broken heart.

5. The relationship is started as the dishonest result.

Latter, so many people ruse in this problem. Fall in love with a girl who has a fiance can be a chalenge for some people. Whereas this dangerous game will harm and reakky fault.

incommensurat = tidak seimbang
out of pity = karena kasihan
unspeakable = amat buruk
stranglehold = cekikan
uprising = pemberontakan
messiness = berantakan
reverenge = dendam
bitterness = kepahitan
wreak = melampiaskan
pay off old scores = balas dendam
Siti Arofah
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