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4 Tips No Saturated on House

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. For some women, staying at home is an option. While others memganggap it a form of compulsion. Whatever the motivation, to stay at home must leave stress, feelings of loneliness, and it is quite possible to make depression. But do not worry, feelings of negative feelings were quite normal, really. Well, here are some tips to deal with !

1. Proud of What's Done
Remember, staying at home is a choice. If you are not proud of myself that have made the decision to remain close to the beloved baby, you do not deserve it expect others to put your pride on the same. So, let's face it, even just sit at home, complete with fights, whining, or yelling Little is not a pleasant picnic. Children will only be passed once her childhood, and it is crucial the quality of later life. As for you, armed with all the competencies that are owned, kept working the door wide open and ready to wait.

2. Work In Organized
You may be thinking how good the mother who did not have to rush to the office every morning, and can arrange as he pleased. Such assumptions far from the fire, aka a big mistake. The children (and the mother of course) is growing into a routine. Inevitably they have to arrange the schedule so that everything was okay. You should know exactly what to do next, so there is still time to socialize with friends. Keep the house tidy also will help make you feel at home stay at home. Who the hell wants to "swim" in the middle of the pile of clothes that have not been ironed?

3. Priorities Relations with Husband
Even if you succeed as an exemplary mother, who dedicate all their energy and time for the kids, but if your marriage was a mess, they also will suffer. So, schedule a regular basis 1-2 times a month for a date with her husband. Once a year, at least 1 time a special vacation or a weekend getaway with couples without children. Schedule a specific time every night just to be alone with her husband. As far as possible get into the habit of children sleeping in their rooms since childhood.

4. Take time for yourself
No need to appear as a good mother for 24 hours continuously. Not a mistake, really, if you raise the legs to the table and relax for a moment. It is also important, stay in touch or visit friends. Occasionally out with "gang" friends during college would be fun. Will influence the real, you know, on your appearance. Believe me, you'll stay young and look cheerful
Siti Arofah
Siti Arofah Aku mulai tertarik membuat cerpen ketika kelas 6 SD. Waktu itu, ceritaku seputar kisah kehidupan.

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