October 16, 2009

8 Habits that Could Ruin Relationships

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Not infrequently a broken relationship just because a small custom made by one of the couple. Relationship is very tight and could not be separated can fall apart because of problems that are considered "insignificant". Glamor magazine properties register anything that can trigger your rift and the he. This list;

1. Can not accept
Your lover wants to get the best out of him is a good thing. However, do not you want to make changes in the husband up to his appearance. Try to accept what he's there. If this is what is to him so badly and it was time to change, then try to say it nicely. Do not criticize or force you to change drastically. Because the messages he would receive was, "You're not good enough for me."

Try to enforce rules 80-20. That is, when you're with him, express what you admire about him, do this as much as 80 percent. Until when you say things you do not like about it, then it will not sound as one of the worst points in the list of your eyes.

2. Volatile mood
We live in an age that makes people nervous. No wonder when the stress hit, we can be angry-angry at the couple. In everyday life, the sudden mood changes can be forgiven. However, imagine if we lived with the couple who often experience mood swings (a drastic mood changes). You must be running away. Well, if you feel you are experiencing periods of mood swings (usually towards menstruation), try to divert your mind from the things that can make you want to be angry.

3. Gossip
Nobody wants to be gossip. So, when you're there is the problem with him, try to try to solve it in an adult. Try reducing the desire to tell every detail of your problem with your spouse or friends to the nearest parent. Not only will you be embarrassed when the fight was over, but you also will make the he felt betrayed. As a partner, you'll want to keep a secret between you and him alone rather than damage your reputation and your partner in the eyes of others.

4. Melodrama
If you consistently call every time a friend of the office that makes you pissed off, remove them from your friends list on Facebook, or threatening to break every time there is a difference of opinion, do not be surprised if he was looking for another woman. It is exhausting if we should always try to calm the couple who likes to dramatize the situation at any time.

5. So the second mother
Your husband must love his mother, and she must love you. However, when you treat every day like a child, then you will make him want to run away from you. Children tend to do the opposite of what he was told his parents, when the command did not want him to do. This also applies to life coupled with the type of relationship as mother-child (who is too cuddle).

6. Too often with
Spend time with your loved ones is one of the advantages of dealing, but there is a difference with a relationship of conjoined twins. Many men interested in women independent and confident. However, often the woman who originally had the character changed 180 degrees as a partner. Women can be very dependent, and requires a very much from each other. Occasionally take the time to your own or with your friends. Let him enjoy his time alone. Do you know what the benefits of enjoying "me time" like this? You so often miss the him, but so have to talk.

7. Jealousy
Although he often reminds you how much he loves you, but it did not stop to check your cell phone when he was in the shower. Or, constantly pouting every time she looked beautiful. Little jealousy is sometimes necessary in a relationship. But accusing him of having an affair or bombarded with questions every time he went alone too, will create world's most patient person screaming. Check once again, lest you envy against the him are unfounded.

8. Too comfortable
At the beginning of a relationship, both parties must make sure to find a way to be the best. However, over time and routine, we tend to be lazy and do not want to try to keep warm relationship. Humans love to be wooed and seduced, just like you, too. The fun of a relationship is finding new things from the couple and trying new things with him. When a woman stops to try to show the best of himself to the couple, the man will feel that their partner no longer love it. Show your partner that he is still very valuable in your eyes. How to provide nice surprises for him. He will appreciate your efforts and tried to repay

October 14, 2009

Having Ideal Age Children

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Many women are asking when is age appropriate or ideal to have a child. Because women will be pursued by the age of childbearing age and prone to get pregnant. Age is an important factor in determining the ideal time to conceive. Women's body will experience a change in his life, because that woman wants to have children at an ideal age. In addition to the age of physical condition is also a deciding factor, a young woman may be more experienced and capable of raising children.

Physically, the ideal age for pregnancy is between the ages of 18 to 20 years. Because at that age a woman has little chance of complications and have a healthy body and lush.

One study also showed that a woman's fertility begins to decline after age 20 years and will decline rapidly after age 35 years. Because of the age was considered ideal to have a child.

But there are other factors that should be considered by women. Children are the future investment and should be women who want to have children should be ready financially and emotionally. Should be considered also whether to give the child full of love, health and good education and whether the child will affect the careers and ambitions of the mother.

While teens more at risk of complications in pregnancy, and infant mortality is higher occur in pregnant teenagers. Teenagers who have become mothers are not ready financially and emotionally to have a child.

For women aged over 35 years is not physically ideal age for having children. Because at that age a little of the hormone progesterone, which is an important hormone to help investment eggs in the uterine lining. Women aged 35 years and over was unlikely to get pregnant naturally and a higher risk of miscarriage.

Of course the most important thing that should be considered in determining when to have children are prepared physically, emotionally and financially. Because it may be happening outside of what is considered ideal.

Fathers and Mothers Have Different Roles in Providing Knowledge to Children

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. It is expected that parents understand child development and keep up with knowledge. Just like children, parents also have a gender and a different temperament that contribute to the ways that differ in parenting. In general, the father and mother have an equal role in parenting their children. But there is little difference in the touch of what is shown by the father and mother.

1. Foster feelings of love and love to children through a long interaction involves physical touch and affection.
2. Growing language skills in children through the activities of storytelling and storytelling, as well as through activities that are closer to child, ie, speaking from the heart to the children.
3. Teach about gender roles of women, about how to act as a woman, and what is expected by the social environment of a woman.

Role of fathers
1. Feeling confident and competent in children through play activities are more physically violent and involve both inside and outside the room.
2. Growing need for achieving the desire to introduce children through the child activities of the various stories about the ideals.
3. Teach about gender roles of men, about how to act as a man, and what is expected by the social environment of man.

The role of parents in child rearing change over the growth and development. Therefore, parents are expected to understand the phases of child development and keep up. The child needs to perform certain actions on the environment to be able to develop complex ways of looking and intelligent on every experience. It is the task of parents to give children the experience they need to develop a perfect intellect

October 13, 2009

Give rewards if he would change his habits

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Can someone changed the nature of evil? It was not. The marriage counselor will usually say, it is we who must change for couples.

You can change your spouse, if you feel disturbing is his bad habits. For example, smoking, reluctant to wash the feet when back from work, or leave the TV on when not watching. Such habits are often very difficult because we face our own orderly habit. When it comes to hygiene, bad habits or nasty, too often make one of the pair became ilfil. In fact, when the he was a husband, of course we have to see him every day. How can marriage be fun if one was disturbed ?

Well, if you intend to convey to the couple, first find out how to submit objections without offend. Also, do not expect the she would change once you have requested. Changes would take time.

1. Ask good. Often we do not believe, why someone might do something bad, or dirty. But you know, that person may not know that what he was doing was disturbing other people? And, are you aware that his countenance upset or anger will only make you confused? Rather than a look of haughty or silenced, the better he's invited to sit together in one convenient place, while his heart was glad, and say that what he did cause problems (specify what the consequences). Men can not read your mind. Let's just say clearly what you desire.

2. Do the demonstrations that describes behavior. The mere discussion he took while watching a movie, making the audience around you repeatedly say, "Hush ...!"? So that the he knew what it was interrupted on when you are concentrating to what presented in the film, try to imitate what he had done. Perform a teasing way, so he also knew that you were reprimanded him gently, rather than approve what he did.

3. Tell them that you will stop one of your bad habits, if he could stop the bad habit. For example, the doctor had asked her husband to quit smoking, but he was still smoking. Offer: You will not eat offal if the husband is also willing to comply with the doctor ordered. Offer some kind of barter or compromise such a positive way to avoid confrontation and remove some unnecessary habits.

4. Ask what the couple would be perceived if the habit that other people do. He may not realize what it was like a party who see or feel the consequences. For example, you leave a gang with a friend, and all hungry. Once in the restaurant, the direct him to go inside and order food for himself. He also immediately regardless of your dinner is still waiting for other friends who have not come. This attitude did not put together. So, ask him what he felt he had when he left in a state of your stomach growls while enjoying your own food.

5. Give rewards if couples are willing to discard bad habits. When talking with partners about the habit, say that you'll give anything he wants (eg massage at home from the office) every time he tried to stop the annoying habit. Make sure that he was making these changes not because they had to, but because to understand what good influence.

6. Without threatening or offensive, let's him know that the habits that make you turn off. You need to get used to each other in dialogue (rather than discussing the purpose for right and wrong, you know) with a partner. Couples need to know how you feel due to his behavior. Instead, open yourself as well if the he also threw a variety of objections about your bad habits.

However, no one is perfect, right ?

October 09, 2009

Intelligent Child with the Right Nutrition

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Undeniably, every mother wanted her baby (boy) is smart. Intelligence of a child affected by at least 3 important factors, namely: Descendants of (genetic), Nutrition, and environmental stimulation. The third important factor is very influential and supportive to the achievement of optimal child pontention.

In addition to genetic factors, intelligent women who need to consider the needs of the fruit of his early nutrition and stimulation factors. Good nutrition is essential at the early stages of a baby's life. There are many nutrients needed for healthy brain development, among others: Protein and amino acid, AA-DHA, GA (Gangliosida), Kolina and other micro nutrients.

At the time of birth, every baby's mother has approximately 100 billion brain cells, but not all brain cells connected to each other baby perfectly. Brain experiencing construction period since the fetus until the first decade of childhood. The effort needs to be done to optimize the relationship between cells is through nutrition. During this construction period more nerve cells are formed and used. Strength and the number of new connections between cells, nerve cells are the basis for the memory of a child until adulthood.

One of the important nutrients the brain needs is Gangliosida, ie for the formation of memory and general function of the cerebrum, the growth and formation of nerve cells as well as modulators, which can transmit information and store data.

Therefore, it is recommended to a mother to provide milk for your baby. Gangliosida also be obtained from Gangliosida containing nutrients such as milk. Wise mother expected to give additional food such as milk contain Gangliosida for his son.

Nutrition is not enough without be balanced by early stimulation because it also plays a very important role in motor growth infants and toddlers. A mother is expected to stimulate children to play and interact with their environment, exercise and other creative activities in order to stimulate a child's brain development even more complete.

Fonterra Brands Indonesia, the world's dairy companies from New Zealand who already have research and experience in the field of milk since the beginning of the year 2008 presents ANMUM ESSENTIAL, infant formula containing nutrients that is superior Gangliosida. in addition to the content of DHA and AA, and a (alpha) protein and other essential nutrients.

Fonterra Brands convinced that breast milk is best for babies, and supporting breastfeeding as a natural food for unparalleled growth and optimal infant development. If a mother can not breastfeed, it is advisable to consult with a health professional.

October 08, 2009

Understanding the husband molester Orientation

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Although nearly everyone agrees that infidelity brings bad consequences for the family, still cheating behavior occur everywhere regardless of a particular social class. With no intention of ignoring many facts about the affair by the wife, this short note will only be little talk about the behavior of the husband's affair a man's wife.

Not that the man who paid a mediocre will not infidelity, but usually the man who has enough money to finance the affair is more potent activity to be unfaithful. Not just about money, cheating man usually are those who have power. Because of their arrogance, infidelity is considered as a means to demonstrate his power.

Drastic change of status, such as from middle management level to senior executive positions can make someone feel giddy. He will be separated from his colleagues, the work challenges that may not be understood by their partner. At this point maybe he'll find someone to talk I can talk with ease to reveal the contents of his heart. The need for someone to talk to these higher when communication with the wife did not go well, could occur because of educational background or a different social.

The children are growing up and demanding more attention, must divide their time between career and family, was enough to make a wife out of time and ignore the need to share a husband. There are also husbands who are looking for another woman because she was too dominant. But still this is not a reason for someone to break a promise allegiance. However, this situation might encourage the husband to find someone else who can give him attention.

Praise from colleagues, the intensity of the meeting too often, a text message from the former, and little attention to other forms of long could make hearts soar, too. Equality of hobbies and interests, the same chemistry, plus a meeting of high intensity could be a trigger dangerous.

Actually only a few men who wore an affair for reasons of physical attraction. Despite having a beautiful wife but when the house was always mamakai clothes are, not keeping clean, the face is always covered cosmetic tools (wear a mask, hair dirol), while just a pretty face shown when outside the home, a long course men can get bored and looking for a more interesting scene outside the home.