September 09, 2009

9 Fear and how to overcome Part 02

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Others Type of fears are :
4. Fear of doctors
May have experienced something unpleasant like a shot, the child was afraid of a certain figure. Not to mention if parents diligently "threatened". Every time a child is considered naughty. "I'll injected Mrs. Doctor, if not dining out! "or" Later Mr. Mom bilangin Security, yes!

How to Overcome:
Let the child bring his favorite toy objects or when coming to the doctor so that he feels safe and comfortable. At home, parents can help by providing a tool toy doctor. Let the children live with a doll doctor's role as a patient. Regularly take children to the dentist to maintain healthy teeth. Nothing wrong also invited him as a parent or brother / sister was treated teeth. That way kids get information how and where to go for maintaining healthy teeth. Gradually her fear of doctors figure it turned into admiration.

5. Afraid of ghosts
"Hiii, there is a ghost. Come on, do not play in it!" Because of frequent threats and feared such a toddler who really do not understand at all about ghosts, so to know and fear. Could also be because he was watching a horror movie on television.

How to Overcome:
Keep children away from the spectacle of the ghost. Parents also should not have to frighten children only in his interest. It could also by buying books or viewing children's story about a ghost or witch character kind.

6. Afraid of the dark
Usually because of parents. "I was afraid, ah. See, deh, dark, right?" Fear of the dark could also be because the child has been punished by confinement in a dark room. If experience is so lasting, not
fear may not be settled until adulthood. Such a cold sweat, or even a shortness of breath every time I was in a dark room or screaming when electricity suddenly went out.

How to Overcome:
When sleep tonight, do not leave her room in the dark. At the very least, let the dim night-light burning. Another way, let your favorite doll or remain with her body, as
act as guardian until the child need not fear.

7. Scared swim
Very rarely children ages toddler afraid of water. Except if he ever experienced such unpleasant choking or even almost drowned while swimming up to his nose a lot of water conceded.

How to Overcome:
Perform a gradual habituation. For instance, let the child just beginning to soak his feet or splashing, splashed in the pool toys, still wearing bathing suits. It could also put the child into a manageable pool club expert. Or by frequently invited to swim with the relatives / friends of his age. Of course, still accompanied by and built her confidence that the swim was fun, so do not be afraid. Even if the child still afraid, do not
Never force let alone reprimand or harassing her fears. Such as, "It sucks, ah! Swim, really, scared!"

8. Afraid Insects
There was a little boy who is afraid of crickets, cockroaches or other flying insects. It really is normal, so parents should not add to frighten him, "Watch out, there'll be cockroaches, lo." Should instead be understood as a child this age may find many things that can make him afraid.

How to Overcome:
Parents should be given an introduction about the nature of animals in children. No need to overly detailed as a professor give a lecture. The task of parents to understand the extent of fear and help children feel safe. It's okay to say, "I know you are afraid of crickets." So much and not enough children being forcibly kept in a conversation about her fears. Do not force children to talk tough to face his fears. "Not yet tried out the child to see or even touch the dreaded insect. It will only make children more afraid." When imposed on, the child could even phobias in insects. Let your child is interested in itself and this usually occurs after a 2-year-old child. If the child is afraid when there are insects flying nearby, help to throw together

9. Fear Dog
Toddler reasonable given the appearance of a dog afraid of these animals was impressed with the fierce barking and looking fierce. Not to mention the habits like jumping, licking, or even pursue. The task of parents to understand and help children overcome fears.

How to Overcome:
No need to force your child keep a dog or push a child to face his fear by continuing to give 'lectures', such as "why are afraid of dogs. The dog is good." Nullify the fear the child will only make children more afraid and not impossible to end up developing a phobia is difficult to overcome.

When children are afraid and when he met a dog walk, hold hands to convince him he could safely pass the feared animal with his parents. Do not forget to keep the distance
safe from the temperament of animals is relatively unpredictable. Could also demonstrate familiarity with the dog as a pet by his employer through the story / fable. Or introduce the neighbor's dog and could not hurt to ask the owner to show how to establish intimacy with the dog without feeling afraid.

September 08, 2009

9 Fear and how to overcome Part 01

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Naturally, if the baby under the age of 5 years have a sense of fear. The form is also all kinds. What is clear, if he had helped to overcome fears, phobias can experience.

Fear is a natural condition that helps individuals protect themselves from hazards while providing a new experience. In some babies, her fears were still limited to specific matters such as fear of dogs, dark, or meeting strangers.

What often happens, it appeared frightened child because of his parents. For fear of something or a particular condition, without conscious parents would prohibit a child with a way to intimidate him."Watch out there are cats, then you scratched!"
As a result, children feel threatened aka insecure whenever he saw a cat. In fact, most cats will only be angry and scratch when harassed.

Form expression of fear itself can stuff. Usually through crying, screaming, hiding, or do not want to escape from their parents. Fortunately, this fear will disappear over time. When children feel secure with themselves and their environment, the fear was gone. Of course parents need support.

The problem is when the sediment and the fear that unresolved effect on the daily activities of children. Could even lead to a pathological fear. Phobias can actually aliases excessive fear of having experienced a particular event. For example, because of fear of rats, each time she saw the animal, he would scream with fear. But such cases are generally rare.

The following 9 types of fear that often experienced by infants under the age of 5 years and tips it:

1. Scared Separated (Separation Anxiety)
Children anxious to part with those closest. Especially his mother, who for the first 3 years to figure most closely. Mother figure, not always necessarily mean a biological mother, but caregivers, grandparents, father, or
anyone who is close to the child.

Stickiness child with a mother who initially seemed very thick, usually will be reduced in subsequent years. Bahkan di usia 2 tahunan, kala sudah bereksplorasi, anak akan melepaskan diri dari keterikatan dengan ibunya. That would be a problem if the mother was too protect / overprotective or hobby arrange everything, so can not entrust her child to someone else.

Such treatment will only make the mother-child attachment persisted and eventually lead to a pathological attachment to the big kids. As a result, children do not want the school, crying easily, and difficult to be persuaded
ibunya.Bahkan left when the mother went to the kitchen or the bedroom mandipun, followed by the boy continued. Trouble, right? Not to mention he was so hard to eat and have trouble sleeping if not with his mother.

How to Overcome:
Explain to your child, why she had to go / to work. So is the explanation of the time even though this age children do not fully understand the aliases do not know exactly when morning, noon, afternoon, and evening as well as an understanding of how long each such period. It would be easier if parents use language that is easily understood. Such as, "Later, when you eat the evening, Mom was home."
If you can not go home as the promised time, tell the child over the phone. Therefore, the child will continue to wait and this can actually increase the fear of children. He will continue to anxiously wonder why the mother
yet to come.

2. Afraid of going to school
It's not easy to remove the child about the time in playgroup. Therefore, he must adapt to his new environment. Yet, not all children can easily adapt. Of the parents, not a few others just not willing to take off her "school" for fear that her child fell or was pushed when playing a friend.

How to Overcome:
Parents still need to take the child to "school" because it's about conditioning. Even if in the next days there are schools being assertive only allow parents waited outside,
convey this information to the child. Teachers also must be able to attract the attention of children so as not to focus on the lack of assistance with their parents play. At the time playing with his friends He would not forget.

3. Fear of strangers
At early ages, children are going to be picked up / close to anyone. Namun di usia 8-9 bulan biasanya mulai muncul ketakutan atau sikap menjaga jarak pada orang yang belum begitu dikenalnya. This is normal because
children already understand / recognize people. He began to realize, where his parents and where other people are rarely seen.

How to Overcome
At the age of toddlers should have the fear of strangers already faded away because, after all, he had to explore. Should the child is getting enough knowledge to realize that not all strangers / are not so familiar is a threat to him.

Usually, it is because parents often frightening, so the kids behave like that. "Beware, do not deket-deket same people who do not you know. You're going kidnapped!" It's okay to parents
berhati-hati/bersikap advise children to beware of strangers, but naturally only and not by way of to frighten him.

Others types of fear will be disscuss in 9 Fear and how to overcome Part 02

September 07, 2009

Coaching Children Learning Walk

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Walking is one of the pillars of growth in children is important. But no less important is the role of parents to train the child to walk. Here are some things you can do to train the Small start practicing walking. At age 9 - 11 months when the child is able to stand on their own, carefully consider whether the establishment is up and how long he could survive. If not, you need to train it, until the child can stand up straight for a long time. To stimulate, you can put a favorite toy on her head so she challenged to try grasping the toy.

If it can stand alone without holding, see if still not balanced, and how long he could survive. If it can stand upright, it means the child is ready for a stimulating walk. Consider whether the position of a child curled toes or not. If bent, it was a sign he still needs stimulation so brave and used his weight by leaning on his feet.

Whereas if not, you are obliged to take him to ditatih. Way, let both hands holding our hands and then he stepped invite. If deemed difficult, put his feet on the back of our legs. While our hands are still holding both hands, let it go. To create a fun atmosphere to practice so you can hummed tunes as set foot.

When he began to walk creeping, usually a child knows how to move her legs forward and sideways. Well, this is the best time to take her to ditatih. Give the impression that walking is fun.

Once the child has regular steps, dared to give only the index finger right hand and left us to held the child while he ditatih. Let your child foot. The old man lived alone and must follow the brakes or change direction if the children go to places that are considered a risk.

If the above manner are well visible, parents should position themselves next to the child. If on the right side, meaning we left index finger which held a child. And vice versa.

Later, when he looked no longer experiencing difficulties, want stimulating time to walk alone without climbing or we hold. Way, place the child in that position if not possible he could hold on. Then give him the stimulus that can provoke him to move by stepping toward the direction of the stimulus. The shape of this lure all kinds, toys can also be her favorite food. Of course, this exercise can not be done once or twice, but must constantly every day.

Do not hesitate to remove children themselves often. Too often carried the muscles and nerves of his body was not trained.

To further speed up the learning process, you can take your baby play with other children as brothers, neighbors, or cousins who have spoken more clearly or nurturing and care.

September 06, 2009

Five Ways to Prevent Divorce

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Gates marriage seemed a beautiful gate eager to pass by her when she started growing up. As a result, the desire to marry her boyfriend was greeted with delight. But the marriage was not as beautiful as she led her parents' household, his sister, Tina's friend and also my friends or as imagined. He should be encouraged to continue to seek to coupled with the fact that different and of course trying to change it.

Greg, her husband was not as clean and as dating serapih first. Greg is also a figure impatient, stingy and jealous after marriage. Worse yet, the old Beni is a good listener is very cool and impress always ignored. What must be decided at the age of marriage she is still the rest of the corn?

Disappointed ? Of course you can. But think for a divorce? Hold on. There is a way she could travel to compromise with her husband, even though it is not easy. What if it also happens to you?

If she now seemed dirty and not always able to put all things in place first, if not sooner, it is better rapihkan your own directly. If their squalor, became bolder and can not be tolerated, you are entitled to request a change. However, that should be noted, the habit was not easy to change. If you can, should gradually. Open the eyes of her husband that you do not like the habit.

If he becomes impatient person, why do not you correct yourself if you own that are slow in doing something? If grooming is necessary for how long? If this is how well you do that an hour before you go with her husband.

Communication is an important factor to strengthen the fabric of the love of husband and wife. Communication is not merely talking about work or children, but also about your relationship. So if the husband is no longer a figure of listeners like going out first time, ask your careful attention to get him to fully about this.

Different reality in a household it is not a new thing anymore. However, many ways to react in order to find the best solution. Here are 5 simple tips to overcome the fact that different;

1. Old picky things that annoy you. Such tests do about the values important in your life. For example, issues of honesty, loyalty, adequacy or cleaning materials.

2. Question, whether the things that annoy you about a matter of principle or of practice? When it comes to habits, still possible to change, although difficult.

3. When it comes to principles, before your emotions, better precise values are also important for the husband. If it is different, should be discussed thoroughly, try to compromise.

4. In a compromise, not to speak with a way of cornering or blame. Since one-one would be considered an objection.

5. Do not argue when children are near you both, to avoid the bad result at a later date. This is because to do so with the mental development of children's future. So to avoid any argument in front of the child.

September 05, 2009

Vegetarian Diets During Pregnancy

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Pregnant vegetarians should choose high iron foods like legumes, tofu, whole grains and green leafy vegetables daily and consume them with foods rich in vitamin C to increase the bio availability of the iron. All pregnant women, including vegetarians, should be checked for iron-deficiency anemia and consider supplementation if they are unable to meet their needs through diet alone. Now that you are pregnant you may wonder at times if your vegetarian lifestyle will impact negatively on your unborn child. First you need to understand what a healthy, well-balanced vegetarian diet should be like and for that you need to look at those nutrients you could be missing out on.

Throughout pregnancy, recommended intakes of vitamins and minerals are higher than for the non-pregnant state. With careful planning, a vegetarian diet during pregnancy can provide all the necessary nutrients you need and your baby need.

Savvy Vegetarian

In order to meet the weight gain recommendations for pregnancy, extra dietary energy is required. Despite compensatory mechanisms such as cessation of menstruation and increased iron absorption, the iron requirement of pregnancy is quite high and the diet needs to be especially rich in iron. All pregnant women, including vegetarians, should be checked for iron-deficiency anemia and consider supplementation if they are unable to meet their needs through diet alone. Many women in the US, both omnivores and vegetarians, do not consume diets that meet the RDA for zinc during pregnancy. First you need to understand what a healthy, well-balanced vegetarian diet should be like and for that you need to look at those nutrients you could be missing out on.

As a lacto-ovo vegetarian, my physician has recommended that I include tempeh, peanut butter, low-fat cottage cheese and eggs in my diet. He has a very realistic diet plan for vegetarians as well as vegans. Vegans and vegetarians are more diet-aware than meat eaters and generally get more nutrients as well.

If you are a vegetarian you may be wondering if it is okay to keep eating a vegetarian diet during your pregnancy.
Folic Acid: Vegetarians have an advantage over non-vegetarians since a vegetarian diet is usually very high in folic acid. These same people will often express strong doubt about the nutritional adequacy of your vegetarian diet now that you are pregnant. You can get all the nutrients you need from a high quality vegetarian diet. Becoming vegetarian is a major change, and your body is going through enough changes without the additional stress of changing your diet.

Hopefully you have been following the advice on Savvy Vegetarian and are eating a great vegetarian diet!. A good vegetarian diet has a wide variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes i e beans, lentils, and nuts and some eggs and dairy or their equivalent.

You should be aware however, that yeast infections are more common during pregnancy and many women suffering from chronic yeast infections choose a diet that limits their intake of yeast. Being a pregnant vegetarian is completely healthy, as long as the woman maintains a balanced diet supplemented with prenatal vitamins.

All pregnant women, including vegetarians, should be checked for iron-deficiency anemia and consider supplementation if they are unable to meet their needs through diet alone. Historically, women have been advised to substantially increase their calcium intake during pregnancy in order to meet the fetus's needs without compromising their own bone density. Vegetarians who consume dairy products get calcium from milk and cheese.

It is perfectly safe to eat a vegetarian or even a vegan diet when you are pregnant. Many vegetarians already consume a well balanced and planned out diet so planning for pregnancy may not take much work.

September 04, 2009

Repair a Marriage

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. there are no marriages without problems, there is nothing wrong with having a fight every now and then. Marriage requires two completely different people, with different attitudes, hobbies and phobias, likes and dislikes; to live under one roof and this ensures a lot of problems doing so.

You probably hear that communication is always the key. And it is - however, the "communication is key" is generally misinterpreted by people. They think that to communicate you have to press your spouse to talk about a certain issue; or apologize to your spouse even if you don't really understand the problem is about.

We primarily communicate as a human by talking and forming sentences. But this does not mean that if there is an issue which needs to be solved in your marriage; the only way to fix it by sitting and directly talking about it. While of course this can be done, often one spouse is not willing to talk about it, or it might simply be the case that when you try to talk about it, a fight inevitably occurs.

Communicating should be done by other means. How about touching? People like to be touched by the ones they love. There is nothing that can cure a relationship as a firm hug. Yes, touching your spouse might not solve the problem of who is going to take care of the child the other day, but it will do a great job to lift the moods of both of you about the marriage.

Keep in mind that solving a problem requires a compromise from one or both of the spouses, and if your spouse feels retaliatory or angry towards you, he or she is not going to be the one who makes the concession. Love is the key - remind your spouse that you love him or her.