September 24, 2009

Happy marriage tips

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Marital life needs art to keep it durable and not boring. Because then, your marriage will work out happily until the time comes. Here are tips to keep your marriage to be happy :

1. Come With Love Not Alone.
Always try to renew your love in a way berdua.Tak need much, just getting used to declare to the partner, how much you love her. Say thank you all every time he showed a concern, so arises a sense of mutual respect.

2. Learning Respect and Accept It Is.
These words spoken so often, but to be honest, really how much you actually receive spouse? Try to accept the shortcomings. At the very least, look at the shortcomings, as things that make her husband a unique individual. Instead, you are also trying to better explore the advantages husband.

3. Be Open.
Honesty in marriage is absolute. Without honesty, lies will accumulate and eventually explode into a major crisis. Be open not only limited to express what's on your mind to your partner, but also open to input.

4. Avoid Assume.
Real couples is not someone who can read your mind, but someone who can understand you and love what they are. But, this understanding must come from your own. For example, what are you ingikan of a marriage, and what kind of attitude you want from a husband.

5. Start With Yourself.
Want your husband more attentive? Well, of course, you first need to give attention and affection to him. Treat your partner as you want to be treated, and the changes that you hope will datan itself.

September 23, 2009

Tips Teach Children Crime Alert

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Warm and open communication is the key requirement as to instill an attitude of prudence, to avoid the evil child. That way, parents can conduct surveillance, even taking the necessary steps. Well, here are some ways that parents can do to teach caution or prudence attitude in children :

1. Explain, face / friendly behavior does not always mean better
Generally, children of school age can be encouraged to think logically, so that he could given the signs so wary of people who interact with it. Only at the beginning of the school age child's thinking ability is still concrete. So, if you see a friendly face, the child was immediately considered a good person. Therefore, do not teach everyone who looks neat and looks really nice well-intentioned. And vice versa.

2. Tell behavior limits can and can not
Children need to know, limits the behavior and attitudes can and can not be one of himself, whether foreigners or people who are known to be close. For example, the person should not hold certain parts of the child. Tell me, his body is something precious and should be maintained. No one else who can hold it. Similarly, when an adult tried to hug her. Children should avoid or immediately released her.

3. Teach children to face the stranger
Basically, children are not prohibited from interacting with strangers, but there is need for caution. Exchange of greetings, for example, okay to do at strangers. Others as if someone had asked him more about themselves and the child's identity as the home, parents, etc., should teach children not to answer in detail. In addition, children should report to the school or adult if there is a suspicious stranger.

4. Do not allow children to accept any gift from someone else
If someone offers something, whether it be food, drinks or a particular item, should be taught to politely refuse. If children feel forced to accept it, should not be taking them. Report on the school or parents about these ratings. Who knew food or drink is dangerous.

5. Remind kids not susceptible to persuasion
In order not to suspect, could be someone who meant no harm to approach in a long time in children, so when children are already familiar, these people started running style-jurusnya. So, keep reminding the child to be careful when someone asked her to go to a place, even if the person is already familiar.

6. Learning from the experience of friends
When friends child crime victims, there is no harm in telling the children. The story is usually going to be easy to remember. Discuss the incident with the child, including what if the child deal with the situation, what needs to be done, and so on. For example, the case of elementary school children addicted to drugs. Describe lessons learned from the children's stories, such as not eating immediately and directly report if given something by someone.

7. Tell me through books
Encourage children to recognize the world around him. Example, when invited to meet market and street children, street children tell us about, why be like that, bagiamana child must be on these kids, and what behaviors should be wary of strangers in the street. Story parents will provide diverse points of view. Knowledge of child became expands on the life around

September 22, 2009

Three causes of Divorce

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Sometimes, we need to make difficult decisions in a relationship. One is the decision to split up. However, before a decision is taken you should first understand why the relationship is already established needs to end so you can predict the consequences of this decision.

According to reason, in general there are actually three background that makes men and women end relationships. Three reasons are, among others, are difficult to forgive mistakes, limited perspectives, and differences in vision. Separation usually occurs because one or a combination of these reasons.

Mistakes are hard to forgive
Akin is the best example for this type of error is difficult to forgive. However, not all affairs happen because of loss of love. Many also admitted cheating people do for reasons of loneliness, lack of attention, or because of mere lust. Because of that, think positively, so you can evaluate these relationships for woven with more rational. Think carefully of whether the offense has performed so couples could potentially interfere with the relationship if it continued.

Limited perspective
Over time, sometimes we are so limited perspective. Consequently when a new perspective emerged in the relationship, the bond between the two people involved in it become tenuous. For example, long-distance relationship. You are located in different cities for a long time will feel more limited perspective that does not want to continue the relationship. To avoid this, do that open communication with a partner. Listen to complaints lover, so you can assess the extent to which perspective. If it can not continue, the decision should be separated properly.

Different visions
The difference occurs when your vision and have the nature lover, a job, or different expectations. Besides conflicts and differences in beliefs can also cause these differences. Maybe at first you both have a relationship because of the emotional relationship, but over time, the logic was going to dominate the relationship.

At that point, if it appears reasonable questions like, "if I want to be with in the future, could he meet my expectations, if he also wants to live the same values?," And so on. You may choose to end the relationship because your goals are no longer in line with it. But no less did the relationship continue to get married just because the old dating already. As a result they could not find the happiness that had been sought.

You who must determine whether the relationship could be continued or ended better. When the decision has been taken, although not easy, still enjoying life. Seek emotional support from the people closest to you can get through phase separation is well

September 21, 2009

Is He Serious or Not ?

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. The man is magic creatures. There is no single act or attitude that does not make you as a woman able to guess where her. Today he applies very nicely to you, but the next day, he can be cool. Nah surprised if your status as a lover, frequently asked questions he intended serious or just fun in a relationship with you. Here's proof of seriousness.

1. Introduce you to the Parents
For most men, bringing a woman into the house and introduced him to family members, not easy. If he only considers the relationship is not prospective lived, he would not take you to his house. Because it would be difficult for him to leave you if the family already knows and likes you. Fortunately, when you've reached the home. You show off to her family became her pride.

2. Involved in Family Events
You have been considered to be part of the family. He never missed invite you to family events, such as parents' marriage birthday, her sister's wedding, and so on. You even included in the events that involve large families, like the social gathering. Not only that, on your side too, his involvement was far enough. Although the face of sometimes rada bent, but he will accompany you on family outings.

3. Frequently Ask for Help
He had no longer hesitate to ask for your help. All this time he used to do everything themselves, from paying bills, buying monthly needs, to find a gift for his friend. But this time, he often asks for your help, whether choosing a gift, accompanied him to important events, even the "left" his mother when he was out of town.

4. Offering diligent Help
Without being asked, when I saw your distress, he with sigapnya offer assistance to you and your family. The word is often out of his mouth, "What else can I do to help?" As the man in charge of you, he does not have the heart to let your own headache with your problem. In fact, he often sacrificed the interests and the time just for you.

5. Opening his Heart
For men, talking about his feelings on other people is something that is very difficult. The decision to share your story with a big problem untunya. Openness is not limited to here him talk about jobs and hobbies, but deeper. For example, he expresses what he feels about her mother, father, and other important issues in life. He could even tell you about a secret life that may not all his friends know.

6. There you are in the Period Ahead
Later he often talked about his plans for the future. And in each plan, he will never forget you. For example, when deciding to buy a house, he thought about the needs of you who want a house with a spacious yard. Or, occasionally there are remarks that indicate he's intention to bring you the big plan.

7. Status Boyfriend, Attitude Husband
In the matter of finances, he acted as head of the family. He applied financial management is open to you. Though not in detail, he tells you how much salary and credit card bills. In fact, there are some men who believed their partner to manage finances as husband and wife.

8. Investment invitation Together
Because of his future plans with you, he several times offered to you to make investments together, such as buying land, houses, businesses, and even savings. You may regard it as something that risky. You know what's on his mind when he offered it? He wants to always be tied to you. And things like this risky, of course he did not carelessly on other women.

9. Bertandang Without Invitation
Previously you might not dare come to the house without an invitation or an invitation from him. But now, you are free to his home every time even though by then he was not home. After all home is "personal space", so when he frees you to come and go, it indicates he has treat you as a prospective home residents. Your closeness with family became an important factor he intended to continue the relationship more seriously or not.

10. Being in your Rear
When you can not survive, he's always behind you to support you. Surely you remember who your first contact when you are able to get clients? Or who is willing to pick you up early morning at the airport when you come home from abroad? He did not bring a bunch of roses and immediately hugged you. But he immediately brought a suitcase and asks why you look thinner.

11. Warm But Less Reliable
He has rarely say I Love You. In fact, often forgotten your anniversary day. Strangely, the day he was more often late for appointments, not romantic and upset. Togetherness you both have become routine. But, great he could be the reliable and responsible to you. If you've experienced this phase, do not assume your relationship problems. On the contrary, it indicates that your relationship is up to the next level. He no longer consider you as an outsider. So there is no longer closed.

September 20, 2009

Teach Children Manners

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Children need to be taught manners. All parents would agree with this. How ?

1. Make yourself as a model. Childhood is a period of imitation. Each child imitated the behavior of parents. When you speak with a mouth full of food, chances are your child will do the same.

2. Say what you want from the child. For example, on the way to my grandmother explained, "If ever there is food that you do not like, I hope you do not get it."

3. Give praise. If the child has to be polite, there is no harm in giving praise. For example if the kid thanked the friend who had lent the book, saying, "Well, your son this one was nice and polite."

4. Do not force the child to be perfect. When you expect too much from children, can-can that happen is the "war" with the child. Do it in stages, according to child development.

5. Do not embarrass the child. One is the normal thing. Similarly, if a child made a mistake that you do not polite. Tell the child faults and say what you expect. Do not just scold or embarrass him in front of others.

September 19, 2009

Cry when to cry

Tips and Trick for Domesticity.

Cry when to cry
Because we are all human
Humans can get hurt, people would cry,
and people can take lessons

When was the last time you cried ? When watching a sad movie, when a fight with a lover, or have not been crying? You should not be afraid shed tears. Like a piece of lyrics from a song sung Tears by god bands above. As human beings, normal that we cried, both men and women. Moreover, cried many benefits.

According to the study, women were crying about 47 times a year, while men only seven times. The high level of prolactin hormone in the body of a woman suspected to be the cause.

A study by experts in the United States says, 9 out of 10 people claim to feel better after crying. In fact, the experts also believe that tears can cure the sick and raise the levels of adrenal hormones.

"Crying is a release of emotion that best when we can not express in words," says Dr Simon Moore, a psychologist from London Metropolitan University. According to Professor William Frey, a cry from the U.S., issued tears when we're emotionally contain endorphin or stress hormones that can make more sense plong. Crying is also known to lower blood pressure and pulse.

If there is still fear of being called sissy for crying, you should refer to the benefits of tears following.

* Ask for help
Not all things can be expressed in words. Similarly, when we are in need of help from others. As tears flow, it can be a sign you need help. Cries too often cause pity of others.

* Remove the stress
After crying in the crowded heart instantly felt relieved. Research also shows that the tears that came out to relieve stress.

* Relieves pain
A study conducted in Japan showed that people who more often cry less often, arthritic pain. Experts suspect it related to the issuance of endorphins or hormones hormones antisakit when we cry.

* Stronger
During and after the tears we'll take a deep breath so that the amount of oxygen in the blood increases. This would make it feel mentally and physically stronger.

Seeing the many benefits of crying, researchers in the United States now recommend therapy crying for certain people, especially those who have difficulty in expressing emotions