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Three causes of Divorce

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Sometimes, we need to make difficult decisions in a relationship. One is the decision to split up. However, before a decision is taken you should first understand why the relationship is already established needs to end so you can predict the consequences of this decision.

According to reason, in general there are actually three background that makes men and women end relationships. Three reasons are, among others, are difficult to forgive mistakes, limited perspectives, and differences in vision. Separation usually occurs because one or a combination of these reasons.

Mistakes are hard to forgive
Akin is the best example for this type of error is difficult to forgive. However, not all affairs happen because of loss of love. Many also admitted cheating people do for reasons of loneliness, lack of attention, or because of mere lust. Because of that, think positively, so you can evaluate these relationships for woven with more rational. Think carefully of whether the offense has performed so couples could potentially interfere with the relationship if it continued.

Limited perspective
Over time, sometimes we are so limited perspective. Consequently when a new perspective emerged in the relationship, the bond between the two people involved in it become tenuous. For example, long-distance relationship. You are located in different cities for a long time will feel more limited perspective that does not want to continue the relationship. To avoid this, do that open communication with a partner. Listen to complaints lover, so you can assess the extent to which perspective. If it can not continue, the decision should be separated properly.

Different visions
The difference occurs when your vision and have the nature lover, a job, or different expectations. Besides conflicts and differences in beliefs can also cause these differences. Maybe at first you both have a relationship because of the emotional relationship, but over time, the logic was going to dominate the relationship.

At that point, if it appears reasonable questions like, "if I want to be with in the future, could he meet my expectations, if he also wants to live the same values?," And so on. You may choose to end the relationship because your goals are no longer in line with it. But no less did the relationship continue to get married just because the old dating already. As a result they could not find the happiness that had been sought.

You who must determine whether the relationship could be continued or ended better. When the decision has been taken, although not easy, still enjoying life. Seek emotional support from the people closest to you can get through phase separation is well
Siti Arofah
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