August 20, 2009

Why Marriages Fail For Men

Tips and Trick for Domesticity . let me define what I mean by a man's marriage failing. What I mean here when I say that a marriage fails is that your wife has lost interest in you. Or at least, she's not as interested in you as you'd like.

If it gets bad, she eventually expresses her disinterest in you by either: wanting to leave you or cheating on you. It may happen in degrees, but to whatever extent she's disinterested, the marriage is failing.

So if you want to keep her interest, don't let these reasons why marriages fail happen to you:
1. Ego
Get this one handled first. This is often the first reason why marriages fail. Honestly, step on your ego a little and half your problems will be solved. If you get this handled, you may not even need to know the other two reasons why marriages fail for men. It's your ego that's busy holding grudges, that can't forgive. It's your ego that makes you lose your temper and do stupid things. It's your ego that stops you from learning how to be a bigger man and a better husband. It's your ego that prevents you from repairing your relationship when you've screwed up-unless you're like me and you never screw up. Okay, okay, I admit it, I've screwed up...more times than I care to remember. And you have to. It happens, man. Get over it. Just fix it.

2. Blame
The second reason why marriages fail for men is that they convince themselves that women are the reason why marriages fail. Man, I can't tell you how many times I've heard a husband complain about his wife, and I think to myself, "Dude, she's not the problem. You are." Of course, I often tell him that, too. (It's the tough love I have to give sometimes). Your wife is not the reason why your marriage is failing. Stop blaming your wife for any marriage problems you face. Stop blaming her for how she treats you. Have you ever heard the saying, "We teach people how to treat us?" If you haven't, then you need to write it down right now: "We teach people how to treat us." So ask yourself, "How am I teaching my wife to treat me?"
My wife treats me with honor, love, and respect. She likes to think it's because of what a wonderful woman she is. And she is a wonderful woman. But it's because I won't accept anything less from her.

3. Logic
How can logic be a reason why marriages fail?! Well, read on, and you'll see. How your wife behaves depends on how she feels. And how she feels will never change with logic. So don't try to convince your wife with logic that she should behave differently. It's not about logic. It's about emotion. So get used to thinking in terms of emotion, and not in terms of logic. Many men fail to recognize their wife's emotions, and that's a big reason why marriages fail for them.

On a practical level, what does that mean? For one, it means stop arguing with her and trying to convince her to see things your way. If you inspire her emotions, she'll give everything to please you...even if she thinks you're wrong. Cuz it doesn't matter whether, logically, you're right or wrong. What matters is how you make her feel. Setting aside logic also means that you need to stop judging her feelings. Her feelings are her feelings. It doesn't matter if you think they "make sense" or not. Because it's not about logic; it's about feelings. It's all about emotions.

Stop trying to find "reason" with your wife. Instead, just understand her "emotion".
She's not a guy. She's a girl. Appreciate that. Stop trying to make her like a guy and "straighten" her. Just let her be a girl and enjoy the curvature.

August 19, 2009

When You are Falling Out of Love in Your Marriage

Tips and Trick for Domesticity . I get a lot of very heartfelt emails from people who feel like they are in either the beginning or end stages of "falling out of love" with their spouse. Most of them want to stop this process. They love their family and they don't want to disrupt their life or to do anything or feel anyway that would bring about major life changes. Still, it is human nature to want to be as happy and fulfilled as you are capable of being. And one of the strongest of all human urges is to love and be loved. So, you are likely to feel and experience this void very deeply, if you feel that this is missing from your life, especially within your own home or within your own marriage.

Even so, recognizing what is happening is the first step in fixing it, and I know first hand that it can be fixed in most cases. I firmly believe that most of the time, it is not the feelings that have changed, it is the circumstances that have.

Are You Participating In The Behaviors And Experiences That Will Keep You "In Love" With Your Spouse?: Often when people tell me that they are falling out of love, I ask them how much time they spend doing the things that they and their spouse enjoy together. In other words, what types of activities did you enjoy when you were
falling in love, and how often do you do these today? Often, people will pause, shuffle their feet, look down, or begin to spout of the laundry list of tasks and chores that define their lives today. These phrases are usually prefaced with things like "yeah, but.."

I understand this. We all have so many obligations that it can feel like we are literally swimming in them. And, it's not that we don't want to take or make time for our spouse, it's just that it can be, well, very difficult to juggle it all. I'm not bringing this up to elicit guilt or blame. Most everyone is guilty of this to some extent or another. But, few of us are able to look at this with some clarity and see the direct correlation between the QUALITY of time spent together and the QUALITY and intensity of the way that we feel about our spouses.

If we are only giving a lukewarm or "passable" attempt, then we are only going to get a lukewarm or passable result. This is true in all aspects of life, not just relationships. But, this lopsidedness will become quite evident in your marriage over time, no matter how good your intentions and no matter how much you really are committed to your spouse. You simply can not neglect the relationship and yet except to feel the same intense feelings.

If you took one day to witness how you interact with your spouse as an objective outsider, I'll bet you might be surprised at what you would see. I really was quite stunned when I did this exercise. I really did not find myself holding hands with my husband or spontaneously touching him. My therapist asked me to contrast this when we were first dating and of course, the difference was startling. She asked me to begin to focus just on one thing each day to bring us both physically or emotionally closer. This could be one back rub and for once, taking five minutes to really listen to what he was saying without absent mindedly sorting the mail. These small efforts helped me to see things from a different perspective.

Why Passion Always Fades (Even If You Really Do Love Your Spouse): I once had a therapist tell me something that I now often tell my readers. When I was confessing that the & and chemistry seemed to be exiting my marriage (mostly on the part of my husband) she told me that this is inevitable. What people define as the fireworks and the spark will often make it's grand exit because these things are based on "novelty, mystery, and discovery.

Well, when you are together for a while, these things can't help but leave the equation somewhat. You pass that phase where you are learning new, exciting and novel things about each other. The mystery leaves and you often turn your attention to the new discoveries that you can make about your children or your career. This isn't your fault, but it is the way that it is. You can change it though. You can concentrate on continue to discover new things about one another. You can shake things up a bit to create new novelty. You can travel together and experience new things so that you are always in a position to make new discoveries in an environment is conducive to excitement and enthusiasm.

Getting Started: When I tell people that they should start tweaking their circumstances and experiences today, they are often quite hesitant. They are reluctant to step out side of their comfort zone or to be the only one who is interested in changing things. It can feel really vulnerable to take the initiative, but someone has to and the rewards are going to be yours. Making your spouse happier and giving them more attention is only going to benefit you. Their happiness is sure to pay dividends to you when they return this favor.

Take small steps. Focus on giving a little bit more time and effort each day. Focus on finding things that you can both enjoy and look forward to. You do not want for this to feel like hard work or something that you have to convince yourself that you should or want to do. You should chose things that you will find appealing so that you will actually want to do them and will want to share them with your spouse.

Over time, as you begin to commit more time and effort, you will start to see meaningful changes in the intensity of your feelings. It truly is a very simple equation. Quality in almost always equals quality out. This is true in all things - even marriage.

There was a time that I thought my marriage was truly at it's end. My husband had totally checked out, had made clear that he was no longer "in love" with me, and would not lift a finger to help me reconcile the marriage. Thankfully, even though I had doubts, I decided to try one last thing, to give a little more, and to approach it from another angle and this eventually worked.

August 13, 2009

9 children desire

Tips and Tricks For Domesticity In fact, children have no hope to parents. They want parents who have time to spare for it, who want to share,and so forth. Too busy, that's the reason why many cliche parents who finally delivered on the affairs of the small baby sitter or adjuvant. In fact, children want their parents looking at them like that. What's more the desire that children need to know the parents?

1. Spare time
Yes, you busy outside the home, because surely the purpose of working for children as well. However, children also want you have time to spare for him. So, you have to manage smart your time. That you should set the holiday diusik no longer work with. Use this holiday time with children.

2. Affection
Needs of children not only physical needs. This often does not realize the parents are busy in carrier. They think, overflowing with children's property is sufficient. In fact, the affection and attention that you are most important to children. Form of attention should not only gifts, but with menemaninya study or play, is enough to make children happy.

3. NOT altercate
Parents sometimes do not realize, when they heighten emotions, be a problem child. Bicker in front of children so ago is no longer a problem, no matter whether the children feel depressed or not, the anger that can be important terlampiaskan. This is clearly wrong. May-be just you and your partner quarrel, but not in front of children. The psychological, this is not good for child development. Soul akan akan he was depressed and confused, who should be wrong. is His father or his mother ? Well, if problems appear, it is not completed when the children in the house or sleeping, so he does not see or hear the parents'altercate.

Ninies have 2 children. Lisa and Ori. The little attention given the Ori more than Lisa. She think, the sisters will also understand that her sister the youngest. So, only if he reasonably valid way.
In fact, it is clearly wrong and does not educate. Do not occasionally distinguish between children love the one with the other children. Clearly this will make the child dinomorduakan jealous. Never make a limitation, the tooth should be more than a great love.

5. kindness
Attitude of parents who are not friends at the small akan clearly does not make children feel comfortable. And this happens very often. When parents bete and not ready to accept the return of their child's friend, there are bad attitudes. Therefore, although the mood is not comfortable, try to remain friendly disposed friends poppet. Remember, children do not receive such treatment and will struggle if their parents are so ashemed.

6. Fulfill promise
The promise is a debt that must be ditepati. This is often forgotten by the parents. They were considered trivial and does not need to feel they must always keep his promise on the poppet. Can be, forget the parents, but should avoid broken promises. Clearly, children are disappointed that culminate with the cranky and nangis action.
Never give a promise to the child, if it is only your intended joke or not seriously. You do not want, is not it, children labeled as parents liar? If you already have an appointment, should be fulfill.

7. Smart
Another thing you need to know, that children also have parents want a smart and businesslike. There must be a professor, but he always asked, you can answer it.
Give answers that make sense. Should, provide a simple and not too complicated, because it will make the children confused. In the case studies, for example, you can follow the development of the children learn from day to day, and read the lesson book. Thus, you will find a solution when the child had difficulty in learning.

Relationships between parents and children are often not in harmony, because their parents make a restriction, not mengakrabkan on children with reason so that reticent children. In fact, as children, they also want parents to become not only a place to ask for or take shelter, but can also be invited to share.
It does not realize that sometimes the parents. Difficult to diffuse in the lives of children, create distance, and did not want to know the problems faced by children. From now on, try to re-arrange the relationship you and your children to be more familiar. So your position not only as parents, but also as a friend.

9. Ability Troubleshooting
Often, parents do not realize sikapnya, and complain in front of children. Your complaint also diverse, from the family's affairs until the work of the small ruffle. How does not want, this involves the child to participate in thinking that the problem you encountered. In fact, it is not necessary. Why should I share my problems with the child? What can you expect from a child that is still small and the pattern are not knowledgeable? Even if the children give opinions, you are not satisfied because it is not as you expect. So, discuss your problems with people or couples who are older and understand the problem.

August 11, 2009

Muffling the pettishly

Tips and Trick Domesticity, One thing that make our energy is used up, the occured of pettishly. This feeling appear that caused by we can not refrain from behavior of others. When we pettish, we feel right and think agliness of others. One thing that very dangerous by pettish is his/her time will finish to think vengeance.

The effect that appear by pettish is angry. If we angry, our word are restrained, stress tended to increase and others. That's why we should put up a good fight to avoid pettishly. Pettishly is occured by grading him self more than a real, feel smart, deserving, kindness, handsome, and feel successful.
First, forget your occupation, think it's got by God in order that we are not greedy. We should coached our self as a God's slave that we don't have any thing except knowledge that God sprays it with scantiness. With this attitude, we live lighter than usual.
Second, we should see what ever people do to us that will useful with our right attitude. We never to lose out with people behavior, if our attitude is right. What ever of People said to us, think it as the episode or test that should be occured to examine keeping the faith.
The Third, we should have an emphaty. It is looking some thing by the others side. The following story about a man who guide elephant in the front, but the other one follow him behind the elephant. Man who in the front said " Oh, All day is beatifull secne ". Suddenly, one who follow him behind the elephant are thrown him because feel pettish.
Fouth, we should create indignity of others to us as a quality of increasing field and an opportunity to practice a kindness value with forgiving man who derange us and reply with kindness.

August 05, 2009

A Good Way To Success

The word of success is the case in point the most people now. Every one want the success. Because the success is a happy symbol.

Some time success can come with several ways. There are two kind way to get success. first, the way is good and the other way is bad or evil man.

If there is an evil man but he get succes, Don't think you can do his crime too to become a success like him. You must show to public that you ca be succes with the good ways. So that we get two winnings, first you get success. An the second is happy that we still being good man/woman.

And believe me, with the good way, your
success will hold out some longer than the bad way.

August 03, 2009

The Most Beatiful Gift

Tips and Tricks For Domesticity 1. Attendance.If We love a man / a girl, his / her attendance is priceless. Yes, her/his attendance can present by mail, phone, photo or fax, but if she/he can present beside us, we can share our feeling, attention, affection as a whole and intensive. Attandance can be a happiness carrier.

2. Listening. A little bit of people are able to give this gift. Because, most of people would rather heard by some one. As we know, the relationship harmonism deterninable by mutual Listening. With listening, we learn about patient and lowliness. Just say thank will be beautiful heard.

3. Silent. As some of words, there is a power on our silent. Silent can be used for punish or repel some one. But silent can indicate our love such as give space to some one.

4. give rope. Could we claim to be love some one if we trannel him ? One of Love realization is give him a free hand. The meaning of give rope is not "you can do as you like".Give rope is give confidence to responsible of his decision or what he did.

5. Graciously.Who are not happy looking our darling prettier or more handsome ? Beauty / handsomeness is a gift. It is not wrong giving this gift every day.

6. ready to giving way any problem can not be matter in dispute. Think first, if your relationship will be broken by that problem. You could have giving way him.

7. A Smile. Believe it or not, the power of a smile is quite extraordinary. A Smile that given honesty can be a spirit of disconsolate, bright a depressed atmosphere. A smile is eligibility to expose we with world.

Have a nice day !