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How to Kill Stress

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Stress is a biological term which refers to human or animals' failure to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats, whether actual or imagined. It was endocrinologist Hans Selye who introduced the word "STRESS" in the 1930s to identify physiological responses in laboratory animals. He later broadened and popularized the concept to include the perceptions and responses of humans trying to adapt to the challenges of everyday life.
How can Human Stress be better explained than in real life?

1. Make sure to wake up everyday. Stay alive, period. You're the best person to solve your issues anyway.
2. Sleep in one bed, with the same man. Not unless you are in a consensual polygamous relationship, 3 will always be a crowd.
3. Always throw the garbage out. This applies to both living and non. The longer you keep your garbage, the more it stinks! Dispose them wisely and figuratively speaking - Do Not Recycle Trash.
4. Smell the roses but be wary of thorns. You know the drill.
5. Run. Stumble. Look funny. Laugh at yourself. Let others laugh at you too. But stand at some point and start walking!
6. Avoid people who gossip, regarding life and work, especially online. You don't want to be associated with the outdated ones! These people will put you in great risk.
7. You + God - Religious Fanatics = Awesome! Your faith is for you to live. It is not dictated by any norms, society, even people. Religious debates will drive you mad, so it's better to maintain a more personal connection with The Divine than wasting your time arguing.
8. Make money. Spend it. Get a life! But remember to save enough cash, time, and energy for the future. Some people get too consume in living NOW they forget about TOMORROW and the day after that.
9. Read. Write. It keeps you literate.
10. Count calories. Your math will improve! Who knows, maybe your waistline too.
11. Be happy. Eat the right amount of junk food. Yes, that's right! I said junkfood. Come on, everyone cheats in their diet. But eat in moderation.
12. Be happier. Break rules once in a while. Get ridiculously drunk, do pole dancing, go bungee-jumping, whatever else you still haven't tried. I have seen a lot of uptight people snap at some point, whining about not "living the life." I suggest that you try doing crazy things now while you still have time.
13. Be happiest. Never go to bed with a weary heart. If your day sucks so bad and you need to cry, scream, phone a friend - then do so. But never let bad thoughts haunt you to sleep for it will cause you nothing but nightmares.

Have a nice day
Siti Arofah
Siti Arofah Aku mulai tertarik membuat cerpen ketika kelas 6 SD. Waktu itu, ceritaku seputar kisah kehidupan.

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