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Each body organ has a time pickets

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. You must have often wondered, why in the morning we often feel like heartburn and bowel movements? or why the day we feel weak, sleepy and need a nap? Here is a very interesting article, hopefully you can answer the question so far.

Each body organ has a time pickets. According to the science of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there are 12 major organ in our body, namely the lung, colon, stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine, bladder, kidney, pericardium, three heaters, gallbladder, and liver .

There are organs of the maximum and minimum work, as follows:

- The lungs are working a maximum of between 03.00-05.00 o'clock. Minimum at 15.00-17.00
- Colon full operational between the hours of 05.00-07.00. Minimum at 17.00-19.00
- Stomach full operational between the hours of 07.00-09.00. Minimal 19.00-21.00 o'clock.
- Spleen work a maximum of between 09.00-11.00 o'clock Minimal 21.00-23.00 o'clock.
- Heart to work a maximum of 11.00-13.00 o'clock. Minimum at 23.00-01.00
- Small intestine at full operational 13.00-1 5.00. Minimal 01.00-03.00 o'clock.
- Urinary bags full operational 15.00-17.00 o'clock. Minimal 03.00-05.00 o'clock.
- The kidneys work a maximum of 17.00-19.00 o'clock. Minimum at 05.00-07.00
- Lining the heart work a maximum of 19.00-21.00 o'clock. Minimum at 07.00-09.00
- Three full operational heating 21.00-23.00 o'clock. Minimal 09.00-11.00
- Maximum gallbladder working at 23.00-01.00. Minimum at 11.00-13.00
- Be working a maximum of 01.00-03.00 o'clock. Minimal 13.00-15.00

No wonder if at certain times many people doing the same activity. Defecate mostly done between 05.00-07.00 o'clock, when the colon work is maximal.

Therefore, do not let your stomach to work without any ingredients in it. Can be bloated and a lot of gas when the stomach at 07.00-09.00 not filled food, let alone just coffee, "said Solomon B. Simanjuntak, an owner of Acupuncture Clinic.

In contrast, the organs are working at least 12 hours after he worked up. For example, the stomach will be working at least at 19:00. Therefore, dinner should not be excessive. Little better, but nutritious. That is, not because we do not move, but so that food does not become landfill waste, because the stomach does not work optimally.

Awareness and knowledge will help us to act rationally on their own bodies.

Well, not fun ... we can find effective time "operational" organ of our body so we can keep our organs do not "work hard" when the organ is supposed to work a minimum. Hopefully this info can help all members to continue to maintain good health naturally.
Siti Arofah
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