9 Golden Rules in Managing Financial
Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Save the money for preparation when there is something unexpected. Work hard, and carefully manage finances, not the things you need to do just because you live your duty. Do these two things because it allows you get the full enjoyment in life. You will not regret when it was finally able to achieve what is important for your life, thanks to the determination of the best lifestyle.
To be able to live a wise life style and managing finances carefully, you can follow the basic rule 9, which may be said as a golden rule, the following:
Living within your means. In order to truly live free, live within your means. If you are always heavily indebted, either to others or credit card, you will never enjoy your life completely. Arrange for you to live life without limits with saving for the things you want, and shopping as planned.
Work hard. Job and your salary is the biggest asset in building wealth. Do your best at work, and take steps to make yourself indispensable, to achieve the position you want.
Compare prices. You know, mothers habits when shopping at the market or in the hypermarket? They'll go around to compare prices first between one brand of goods with other brands. They just will decide to buy when get the best price (least expensive!). Does taking the tour packages that are cheaper than the promotion if you buy a plane ticket and book their own accommodation? Although time consuming, your result is more satisfying course.
Avoid regret later. Feeling guilty about it very unpleasant. Therefore, before you regret not buying something that can be used, ask yourself: Do I really like it? How often I would wear it? Can I afford it? Can I search for a cheaper version elsewhere?
Avoid regrets being too frugal. Sometimes too thrifty can also leave regrets. Have you ever found something that had long stuff you dream about, but because you are determined not to be tempted, finally sorry for never again see such things? Occasionally, you may indulge. Allocate funds for something that may not really needed, but it can make you excited.
Prioritizing the quality, not quantity. Fill your closet with clothes that are no longer in season three months, not a smart way of spending money. Buy goods in smaller quantities but durable. That way you will have some high quality stuff that makes you feel worthy to have it.
Saving for something that was expected, and is not expected. We would be retiring in due course, so we suggest you save from now. On the other hand, we also need to prepare yourself for something unexpected, such as layoffs or medical expenses. Thus we will always be able to control the finances even though the things around you are not going according to your wishes.
Negotiate. In other words, ask your best price. The door will not close until you hear the word "no". So is the job interview. Do bargain for things like salaries or other benefits that you can get. All you need is the confidence to ask.
Set goals to motivate themselves. Revisit your goals when it has succeeded in achieving the goals you created earlier. Whether it's saving for a vacation to a place you've long dreamed about, or consider the next step in your career. In short, always doing something to make you move forward and motivated.
To be able to live a wise life style and managing finances carefully, you can follow the basic rule 9, which may be said as a golden rule, the following:
Living within your means. In order to truly live free, live within your means. If you are always heavily indebted, either to others or credit card, you will never enjoy your life completely. Arrange for you to live life without limits with saving for the things you want, and shopping as planned.
Work hard. Job and your salary is the biggest asset in building wealth. Do your best at work, and take steps to make yourself indispensable, to achieve the position you want.
Compare prices. You know, mothers habits when shopping at the market or in the hypermarket? They'll go around to compare prices first between one brand of goods with other brands. They just will decide to buy when get the best price (least expensive!). Does taking the tour packages that are cheaper than the promotion if you buy a plane ticket and book their own accommodation? Although time consuming, your result is more satisfying course.
Avoid regret later. Feeling guilty about it very unpleasant. Therefore, before you regret not buying something that can be used, ask yourself: Do I really like it? How often I would wear it? Can I afford it? Can I search for a cheaper version elsewhere?
Avoid regrets being too frugal. Sometimes too thrifty can also leave regrets. Have you ever found something that had long stuff you dream about, but because you are determined not to be tempted, finally sorry for never again see such things? Occasionally, you may indulge. Allocate funds for something that may not really needed, but it can make you excited.
Prioritizing the quality, not quantity. Fill your closet with clothes that are no longer in season three months, not a smart way of spending money. Buy goods in smaller quantities but durable. That way you will have some high quality stuff that makes you feel worthy to have it.
Saving for something that was expected, and is not expected. We would be retiring in due course, so we suggest you save from now. On the other hand, we also need to prepare yourself for something unexpected, such as layoffs or medical expenses. Thus we will always be able to control the finances even though the things around you are not going according to your wishes.
Negotiate. In other words, ask your best price. The door will not close until you hear the word "no". So is the job interview. Do bargain for things like salaries or other benefits that you can get. All you need is the confidence to ask.
Set goals to motivate themselves. Revisit your goals when it has succeeded in achieving the goals you created earlier. Whether it's saving for a vacation to a place you've long dreamed about, or consider the next step in your career. In short, always doing something to make you move forward and motivated.
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