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Error correction on the bed

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Have you ever had sex with your partner, but you feel there is still jammed in the heart every time after sex ? Not every mistake ever made love is always on the men, sometimes women did. Try to fix before it's too late.

As experienced by Andri, 32 years old, an executive who has been married for two years. He felt his wife, Sinta has done everything he wanted in sex. But sometimes he was disturbed by the movement is often done outside the control Sprott. Like hip movements are not controlled, even with a strong grip to him only made him uncomfortable. There is a desire to communicate his grievances to Sprott, but feared his wife Andri offended. All this time he just thought Sprott maybe too excited. No doubt, if it is kept buried, can cause problems in having sex.

It is time to be reminded or corrected in any case, not everyone can accept. As if it's uncomfortable, feeling stupid or inexperienced. But the correction is not always bad. Especially in the context of an intimate relationship with your partner. An input is needed to improve sexual life and your relationships.

Sexual desire between men and women differently. Men more easily aroused only through the visual. While women are not quite the view, but also through touch, hearing, or by sweet words. Emotional factors needed in building female libido.

Increased male sexual response is more rapid, and peak after ejaculation straight down. In contrast, female sexual response after a longer and improved, will be stable until orgasm and still survive. This difference is often less recognized. As a result, there was a misunderstanding between the two. However, an input can be constructive. This depends on how the shape and how to greet paikannya. If you live without feeling that your partner game on a bad bed, maybe you'll get a little time and trouble ahead for sure.

Do not directly criticize your partner when making love last. Had feared could happen is your partner's sexual arousal drop immediately. Then, when she lost her passion, of course, boost libido who have built can be lost. As a result women could become frustrated and lose lubrication in the vaginal fluid. If you impose an intimate relationship continued, gradually the negative effects of your partner will reject any invitation to have sex.

When the woman realized and your spouse are not easily take offense at your words, then do not be a problem. Unfortunately, not all women easily accept input from any male partner. It's good, your input is wrapped into something beautiful, polite, and be accepted. Perhaps the following tips can you try?

1. Wrong Position
A woman on top is something interesting. Unless you feel tormented by anatomical errors. As freedom and her wild side came when he was "riding", you are probably aware that the movement was doing too powerful. Or, the movement was less flexible, so you feel pressure on the corners or your body was unbearable. When this happens, you can reach to stop the movement of her hips or pulled forward to get a better angle delicious.

Both actions are very good, as long as you do because you feel less comfortable and maintain the moment without criticizing him verbally. You can continue to restrain movement of her hips to help your riding. Generally, women love hip held it tightly. If the problem still occurs, you can make him aware of his mistake through moan moan or sigh when he was in the position you like. Including speed when driving to your liking. Surely he will realize all the "sign" it.

2. Racked Oral Sex
Finally he was willing to do sexual activities during your dreams. But instead of pleasure, instead you feel miserable. Painful oral game, ignoring the technical and intensely pleasurable sensations for men. What steps should you take to improve this situation? How do I get the sensation blow job and an intimate partner are more active?

Think about how the delivery and implementation. For this one thing you need to discuss thoroughly. He would not know what you do not like, unless you say it. But how this is a real problem. Try not to make the movement suddenly or increase your volume when you explain what you liked or disliked.

Continued to support every effort in a way to let him know what you love to efforts that have been done. Then, ask him if he was willing to try another way. Whatever you do, do not forget to express "appreciation" for all the efforts you are doing without a word. This can be through gesture, caress, gaze, kiss, etc. clan. This will create confidence and increasing interest in exploring further.

3. Strong Grip
Hand jobs are great for men, especially when not done alone but by the couple. But if he was holding too tightly, as though your property will feel squeezed or even withdrawn, become unpleasant ways. So, gently and carefully laid teach fingers well. Do not squeeze your partner tapering fingers, but rather give a hug and a soft caress on both hands before you put them in a comfortable position. Furthermore, it's your turn to be a guide in accordance with your wishes.

4. He faked
Do you feel just to be a single player? Your partner's body is in front of the eyes, but he did not budge and give a response. She might respond to your base to do business, but he did not respond. If you feel like you've tried every way but your partner still does not respond, it would not hurt if you try to "ask" right.

If he did not respond and feel tense, it must be something wrong. It's good, after sex ask him if he was okay, or if something was jammed in thought or felt. Fear or anxiety are also not be forgotten. Maybe he was uncomfortable with all the action you take. Or related to his past disturbing. The various problems associated with disorders of sex is nothing to talk about you both.

If he had tried and appreciate the attention you give, but did not provide any lead batik, you should ask him to do something more specific. You can also ask for a polite and gentle, to put his hand in the position you like. You can also try to change the position of a woman on top, or any other position that you are more like than the current position.

5. Kissing The Bad
Almost as a fingerprint, every kiss is a unique and individual. There is enough just to kiss on the forehead, or suck on each other, until the French kiss. If the types of kisses made unforgettable memories, finally, there was a kiss that you never want. So what led to your liking?

First, identify your own style of kissing. Are you too aggressive, too forward until it touches your face with it, or pressing the neck makes uncomfortable feelings? If you feel your kissing style was not a problem, ask yourself, what you want from your partner. If you believe this step is too smooth, reduce and slow down your kiss.

Try to set how quickly the tempo and give examples kiss you like. Make a kissing game. Make your partner when you kiss her still, it's up to what style you want. Then on the other hand, ask him to kiss in accordance with what he wanted. This is not a difficult thing, but try. Play with pleasure. As long as you feel good, he slowly will enjoy the spirit of this game

6. Painful massage
Although he meant well, unfortunately his idea to give massage should make you relax, it actually makes you run away from the bed. Do not remove your desire to get a sensual massage. Next time, when he was offered a massage with her soft hands all over your body, tell which part feels good. Ask him to concentrate on the parts, you want to be massaged, kneaded, and spoiled.

Express feelings of comfort and relaxation when you feel a gentle hand massage your body. Be specific, why pijatannya feels good. He will understand that you love the gentle pressure or massage to play. Give her massages, and also show what you love when you touch her body. He can catch all your desires by your hand movements.

In essence, talk about it all together with your partner. Perform communication between you and your partner well before having sex, or afterplay. Do things that you love a woman's partner. Do not be forced. Give appreciation with a thank you or question, whether he likes sex just done? Participation and equality is needed in this conversation. Do not you be more dominant so impressed imperative or too patronizing. Instead, each other open to listening to what each desires.

One of the interesting things to have fun with your partner, many of the lessons learned by example and make it a game. No need to hurt him with criticism. In fact, you can easily share a laugh and understand each other. Trying to learn with each other will be better than being frustrated and shut down each other. Try it, then your sex life will lead to a better direction.
Siti Arofah
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