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10 Reasons Women Cheating

Tips and Trick for Domesticity. Generally, women's affairs is not due simply idle. There are several reasons that made them decide to do this.

1. Revenge
If you betray her love, she could do, even better than you. Even if get caught by you, maybe he purposely. Each woman's got her own way in the face of her lover committed adultery and heartbreak he felt. He could do it discreetly behind you, can also accidentally "show off".

2. Ordering umpteenth
Like a lover, she's always wanted to be number one in your life. Not number two, let alone the next numbers. He was the priority and the queen in your heart.

3. Violence
Today, many women are increasingly aware of the importance of respect for himself, one of them by being firm when her partner violence (mostly physically) to him. Maybe at first he would try to survive, but when you come back to repeat your actions, they will leave you. They believe, there are many other men who can appreciate it much better than you.

4. Vapid
Women like things that detail, such as birthday day, day so you both, or some other special things. Be careful when you consider all this as trivial, especially when it's over he always take care of all needs and willing to sacrifice for you. If you never appreciate what he has done for you and ignore the things he considered important, be prepared for a big fight.

5. Sex
Although you are rich and always gave her full attention, dissatisfaction in sexual matters can not be ignored. This is dangerous for a marriage. Therefore, immediately find a solution.

6. Backup
When the end of love, women are generally more "suffering" to face the days long before he rose again. Therefore, when he saw signs that the relationship can not be maintained lived longer and will soon be over, could he start looking for your replacement. So, if you really love her, fix your relationship immediately.

7. Men problematic
That is, a lot of things around you that make your partner feel "hot" and follow to "burden" it. Because, in addition to a relationship with him that would not get out of trouble, you'll still have to deal with your ex-lover who continue to "terrorize", a family who is always interfering in your affairs, not to mention behavior that friends put you in the matter. Be more complete "suffering" if you include the child my mother. Instead of giving attention and affection to share with your lover, your self busy.

8. Relations in the road
Generally, when a relationship with her partner, women want a committed relationship leading to marriage. If the relationship has endured for so long, but there was no improvement to the next level, they will think you do not want this relationship to continue. So, why should you wait longer?

9. Bored
This one thing could come because she caught a routine at home or the relationship that you live with it boring for him because you do not give him the attention he had hoped and more of your time spent on other things rather than with him. In fact, women like surprises and always wanted to be special.

10. Relationship is not as serious as expected
At first you may indeed like living relationship with him, but you do not enjoy and do not feel like attached to him. No wonder if you're still trying to "glance" here and there, when he was devoting all his feelings to you
Siti Arofah
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