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Being a Good Father in the Family

Tips and Trick for Domesticity . Being a good father in the family and the ideal is to demand in each family. Keidealan demand for a father, is not only from the pair, but especially from the children. Become her ideal for the demands of children is an urgent and important because the father figure is a precedent in the family.

For a female child, the father is the person closest to her. This relationship will be the basis of the relationship of men and women who akan dialaminya time later adulthood. Ayahlah which is the size and the comparison for each man who later dikenalnya. At the time this is expected to lead the father is able to make a daughter's first steps toward independence. He will be the mediator, who helps the child gadisnya. So that a child can develop the identity of women kewanitaannya reasonably, it requires the type of opponent figures will give the perspective of a man in self mempersepsi and every aspect of life. Therefore the role of the father becomes more important when children aged three to six years, when they enter the period of self-development period.

Is not only a father figure to be important in the growth of children. But the mother also took share in it. The idea is that children need encouragement and good discipline from both parents, so they know where the good and which is not good for their lives in the future. But the father is one of the main examples that can be tiru by their children. When the needs of children can be met with a fair, meaning the father can give enough time and attention, and the mother can give it the attention and understanding enough. Children a good life will not be separated from teaching, attention, and guidance from both parents. And soon your children will develop a perception of masculinity and femininity are also reasonable. For a female child, the father of togetherness is very important. In this case the father is not simply a substitute for the mother when the mother is busy. Father's role is unique and special. Unfortunately, many fathers are too busy or was not looked important role in the nurture and educate children. Because it is too busy with office work and other businesses. Father-my father like this will never know how sweet time and the opportunity they have wasted sia. Because at the time you (the father), playing with his children, of course you can also see the development and growth of the child.

Not all fathers can feel a close relationship with their children. Even if that happens, will usually be mixed with the feelings-feelings of others, such as birth ketakjuban akan events, kelegaaan because everything is running smoothly, and the fatigue. Many people think that the mother always have spiritual ties with their children, and indeed most of the case. While the father is very busy most of the time working with the sera of all activities, but of course you have to set aside a little time to play and communicate on the children.

Take time to play with children
This should always take your child along with you-anaka. Proximity of the father and child can be created through the game. Games-hand side has the advantages of each player position that is balanced. There is no higher or lower. Can appear in a game-humor humor fresh melt stiffness. Things like that certainly will be the memories that will not be forgotten.

Give adequate attention
the children really need the attention away from their parents. Sesibuk-busy with your office job, you must also menyempatkan themselves to call your child at home. Just in the telephone to communicate, children will feel the warmth and pehatian from his father.

Involved in children's events
Events deemed valuable for the children, of different events with the father. For children or sports rivalry game permaian child is the event that has charm and is an event dinanti-looking. So, as much as possible the father put events like that in between the event office meetings and events in the daily agenda.

How to listen to and read stories
Willingness to listen can establish the confidence in the child. The father must feel a "dictator" on himself. Father who would like to hear opinions mean more children in the eyes of children. Children will be more respect for my father who would "give in to listen."

Providing encouragement spirit
Her father is always expected to arouse the spirit of children. For children, the father figure is motivated and able to transmit enthusiasm to their children.

Become a precedent
As much as possible the father is expected to give example to the children. Example here more to the attitude of living life so menyarikan principles. Example do love and respect of others is important for the pattern of children.

Taught to recognize the error
There is no ivory that is not cracked. A father was certainly not escape from the error. Acknowledge the error before the child is perhaps the tersulit. Prestige or shame often becomes a major. However, the children will appreciate that the father would recognize the error, so that they would honestly acknowledge the error.

Thus, physical contact is also a key one for the father who wants to have contact with the inner child. Needed not only mind, but also willingness to experience how the most swing groove poppet, poppet how things smell, how it responds to the surrounding world. The experience of the father of the above, that the experience of spiritual union with his son, also you can have. Not a lot of requirements that must be fulfilled so that we have intimacy with our children. Such closeness can be built through doing daily activities. So, start joining your baby's diaper change. Rawatlah your baby, you spend more time with it, certainly you will have contact with her mind, and really know.

Siti Arofah
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