Showing posts with label wise word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wise word. Show all posts

September 19, 2009

Cry when to cry

Tips and Trick for Domesticity.

Cry when to cry
Because we are all human
Humans can get hurt, people would cry,
and people can take lessons

When was the last time you cried ? When watching a sad movie, when a fight with a lover, or have not been crying? You should not be afraid shed tears. Like a piece of lyrics from a song sung Tears by god bands above. As human beings, normal that we cried, both men and women. Moreover, cried many benefits.

According to the study, women were crying about 47 times a year, while men only seven times. The high level of prolactin hormone in the body of a woman suspected to be the cause.

A study by experts in the United States says, 9 out of 10 people claim to feel better after crying. In fact, the experts also believe that tears can cure the sick and raise the levels of adrenal hormones.

"Crying is a release of emotion that best when we can not express in words," says Dr Simon Moore, a psychologist from London Metropolitan University. According to Professor William Frey, a cry from the U.S., issued tears when we're emotionally contain endorphin or stress hormones that can make more sense plong. Crying is also known to lower blood pressure and pulse.

If there is still fear of being called sissy for crying, you should refer to the benefits of tears following.

* Ask for help
Not all things can be expressed in words. Similarly, when we are in need of help from others. As tears flow, it can be a sign you need help. Cries too often cause pity of others.

* Remove the stress
After crying in the crowded heart instantly felt relieved. Research also shows that the tears that came out to relieve stress.

* Relieves pain
A study conducted in Japan showed that people who more often cry less often, arthritic pain. Experts suspect it related to the issuance of endorphins or hormones hormones antisakit when we cry.

* Stronger
During and after the tears we'll take a deep breath so that the amount of oxygen in the blood increases. This would make it feel mentally and physically stronger.

Seeing the many benefits of crying, researchers in the United States now recommend therapy crying for certain people, especially those who have difficulty in expressing emotions

August 21, 2009

End Your Negative though

Tips and Trick for Domesticity . Do you suffer from a barrage of uncontrollable and debilitating negative thoughts? Have you tried just about everything to make them stop only to have them later return with a vengeance? Well there is a good reason why they haven't permanently disappeared. This reason is also the answer to getting rid of them forever.

Negative thoughts, if you observe them closely as they arise in your awareness, seem to come out of nowhere. It's almost as if your conscious mind temporarily got tuned to some bad radio station and started to pick up this unhealthy signal that disrupts your peace of mind, your ability to focus, attend and concentrate, to make clear decisions, emotional and physical stress,it drains your energy and causes inordinate amounts of mental.

Well that is not far from the truth. That radio station happens to reside in your unconscious mind. The negative signals are being generated by the storehouse of negative memories of your life that are buried there. You see the unconscious mind is the burial ground for negative unwanted emotionally unpleasant memories. Without such a burial ground these memories would constantly flood one's conscious awareness and this would make it next to impossible to function.

There is one small problem however with attempting to simply bury negative memories; they still remain inside you and continue to exert a negative pressure and effect on you and your life. For instance they generate negative emotions, thoughts and self sabotaging behaviors that periodically waft into your life causing a disruption. These disruptions can run the gamut from a simple feeling of annoyance all the way to becoming utterly self destructive.

You see, the veil between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind is rather frail at the boundary. This means that negativity from one's past memories can and does occasionally transgress into conscious awareness. What's more up until recently there was little one could do to effectively deal with this.

Recent research has shown that a new coaching process can now help erase those negative memories permanently and effortlessly. What this does is it not only eliminates the "pressure" of this negativity thus reducing the threat to one's conscious mind it also begins to make the unconscious burial ground unnecessary. it makes one fully conscious, empowered and in charge of one's self.

If you would like to learn more about how to reclaim your positive mind set by erasing negative memories kindly visit the web site below where you can also request a free introductory telephone consultation.

August 11, 2009

Muffling the pettishly

Tips and Trick Domesticity, One thing that make our energy is used up, the occured of pettishly. This feeling appear that caused by we can not refrain from behavior of others. When we pettish, we feel right and think agliness of others. One thing that very dangerous by pettish is his/her time will finish to think vengeance.

The effect that appear by pettish is angry. If we angry, our word are restrained, stress tended to increase and others. That's why we should put up a good fight to avoid pettishly. Pettishly is occured by grading him self more than a real, feel smart, deserving, kindness, handsome, and feel successful.
First, forget your occupation, think it's got by God in order that we are not greedy. We should coached our self as a God's slave that we don't have any thing except knowledge that God sprays it with scantiness. With this attitude, we live lighter than usual.
Second, we should see what ever people do to us that will useful with our right attitude. We never to lose out with people behavior, if our attitude is right. What ever of People said to us, think it as the episode or test that should be occured to examine keeping the faith.
The Third, we should have an emphaty. It is looking some thing by the others side. The following story about a man who guide elephant in the front, but the other one follow him behind the elephant. Man who in the front said " Oh, All day is beatifull secne ". Suddenly, one who follow him behind the elephant are thrown him because feel pettish.
Fouth, we should create indignity of others to us as a quality of increasing field and an opportunity to practice a kindness value with forgiving man who derange us and reply with kindness.

August 05, 2009

A Good Way To Success

The word of success is the case in point the most people now. Every one want the success. Because the success is a happy symbol.

Some time success can come with several ways. There are two kind way to get success. first, the way is good and the other way is bad or evil man.

If there is an evil man but he get succes, Don't think you can do his crime too to become a success like him. You must show to public that you ca be succes with the good ways. So that we get two winnings, first you get success. An the second is happy that we still being good man/woman.

And believe me, with the good way, your
success will hold out some longer than the bad way.

May 13, 2009

Patient is the Key of Success

Tips and Tricks For Domesticity . If you follow the story or live journey of success people, of course there are so many forbearence in it. It is impossible they want to open up success especially get started from zero. So, If your are belonging to impatiently person, Practise to become a patient person right now.
What are the way of it ? Abreast with the following suggestion :

Promise for yourself to peevish fastly.
When resentful was occured on you, Try to pledge its agreement. Try to endure your emotion, with looking for quiet place, and than inhale the atmosphere for about 60 seconds. thereby your emotion will slowly go down.

When you get stress and you get headache, try to image gratify event, funny or foolish that were happened on you. Thereby, your head which was heavy and feeling broken will be lighter.

When your time confiscated on waiting, either waiting a friend or wait for call in the hospital or wait for anything, try to looking for gratify during your waiting time. Do not let you got tired and peevish. You can make your waiting time with reading the light reading, talking or watch television. So that you can pass your waiting time without load.

Look for enjoyment among weary.
Traffic jam, piled up jobs, keep your mind empty. And than smile and feel sensation as a human without emotion.

One more the way to become patient person is keep praying. When you get tired with some problems of live, try to leave with pray. Your inner dialog can flow through your soul sobriety pretenaturally. And you will be patient to confront anything.

Do you have do it ?

resentful = menyebalkan
confiscated = tersita

May 09, 2009

Problem is the challenge

Tips and Tricks For Domesticity . If you consider problem as load, maybe you will run for it. If You consider problem as the challenge, you will face it. However, problem is a gift that you are happy to accept it.

in the eyes of sharp, you will see success behind every problem.

The problem is ladderstep that strive a high level of power. So, face it and change to become the power for your success. Without problem, you are not proper to go into the stripe success. Even, Live is the problem, therefore, accept it as a gift.

The big gift that are given by mother's eagle to eaglet are not any shard of breakfast. and it is not brood in the cool of night. The first second for the eaglet consider mother's eagle are exceedingly, fear scream. After a while, we do not accept the death. But, the true of the eagle are flying.

If you do not brave to fight problem, you would not become as the true person.