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Problem is the challenge

Tips and Tricks For Domesticity . If you consider problem as load, maybe you will run for it. If You consider problem as the challenge, you will face it. However, problem is a gift that you are happy to accept it.

in the eyes of sharp, you will see success behind every problem.

The problem is ladderstep that strive a high level of power. So, face it and change to become the power for your success. Without problem, you are not proper to go into the stripe success. Even, Live is the problem, therefore, accept it as a gift.

The big gift that are given by mother's eagle to eaglet are not any shard of breakfast. and it is not brood in the cool of night. The first second for the eaglet consider mother's eagle are exceedingly, fear scream. After a while, we do not accept the death. But, the true of the eagle are flying.

If you do not brave to fight problem, you would not become as the true person.

Siti Arofah
Siti Arofah Aku mulai tertarik membuat cerpen ketika kelas 6 SD. Waktu itu, ceritaku seputar kisah kehidupan.

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